Chapter 5: Make Sure He Comes Home Safe!

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Two weeks have passed since Goku Black stumbled across this new Earth, feeling nothing but hidden resentment towards this world he was more accustomed to. His job at Hopper's Cafe, while not particularly difficult, was not one with great flexibility. However, his living quarters were looking up as he stylized the room in a very traditional Japanese manner, which seemed to be the style most similar to the Kais. He wasn't allowed to wear his usual black robes for work, instead replacing it with a black t-shirt and black jeans alongside his Potara and time ring. Black was glad that he was a Saiyan, for dishwashing was a trivial task with his speed, albeit a long, boring one.

"Hey, Goku!" Kamayan called, giant mantis body taking up a good portion of the kitchen. "Need ya here for a sec."

Black finished scrubbing the plate he was cleaning and headed to the former Instant Villain.

"Hear that you got a really good flying quirk," Kamayan remarked. "And that you've been around the block in Musutafu."

The Saiyan nodded, keeping his usual scowl.

"Anything that you'd like me to do?" the Saiyan inquired, believing that his job only required dishwashing.

"Yeah, I do," the mantis replied. "Got this order of desserts that just popped up from this family. They're finished, fresh, and delicious but they expect it there within the hour. Tra which is practically impossible for us besides you."

The Saiyan groaned lightly at this, having to frustratingly take out responsibilities beyond what was usually expected of him.

"Don't worry," Kamayan said, noticing the annoyance from Black. "You'll be paid extra for this on top of your shift."

Black sighed in acceptance, took the desserts, and went outside. He considered using instant transmission but decided against it. The Saiyan body isn't made because it took the easy way out of things all the time, after all.

He then soared towards Musutafu, with his ki protecting the desserts from getting scrambled mid-flight. After 15 minutes, he landed just outside of an apartment complex. There was nothing too special about it as it looked like a block with windows to Black. He walked up the stairs and to the floor he needed to go to.

"Number 2, number 2," Black muttered out loud, annoyed that he was now a delivery boy on top of his original duties. "Well, I suppose the extra pay is promis-"

The Saiyan shook his head rapidly, in disbelief at what he just said. He didn't feel furious about being used by a mortal just now! Just what was going on? Was he actually feeling attachment to his mortal life? This money he was getting was supposed to be used for something, right? Flabbergasted and jaw-dropped, Black returned to his senses and tried to think it out.

"No, no," the Saiyan reasoned, eyes closed and taking deep breaths. "This is all for Project Zero Mortals. Even if it moves at a glacial pace, it is still progress for my grand utopia."

The Saiyan then reached door number 2 and rang the doorbell. He was then greeted by a plump, short, green-haired woman.

"Who might you be?" the woman inquired.

"Are you Inko Midoriya?" Black asked with a sharp, deep stare that made the woman step back a little.

"Uh...yes?" Inko replied, feeling a bit nervous at Black.

"These are the desserts that you ordered from Hopper's Cafe," Black said, giving her the food. "I was sent here to give them."

"Ohh, that's what it's about!" Inko said, feeling relieved. "I know I said I wanted it within the hour but then I realized that the distance from Naruhata and Musutafu was like two hours by car and I-"

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