Chapter 22: Mortals With Their Strange Ettiquette...

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Stain looked around the bar, which consisted of nothing out of the ordinary apart from a tablet that said 'Sound Only'. Faced with only a young adult and his purple misty henchman, the Hero Killer felt highly unimpressed.

"So, I abandon my purge for a moment," Stain said. "Just to waste my time with some bloodthirsty manchild?"

"Bloodthirsty?" Shigaraki replied. "Why, I thought that our interests aligned perfectly well with one another's. You hate heroes and I hate heroes. You've already killed and injured tons of heroes while I want to just see this hero-society crash and burn a miserable death. What do you say, hmmm?"

"And why is it that you want to see them crash and burn a miserable death?" asked Stain.

"It's fun to watch," replied Shigaraki. "And watching everything that stupid oaf, All Might built get ruined is just the icing on the cake."

The Hero Killer did not seem amused by these comments and his face contorted into a deep scowl. With the reflexes of a cheetah pouncing on their prey, Stain unsheathed a katana and pinned Shigaraki down on the floor with his boots slammed on his face.

"Just as I thought, you disgusting brat," Stain said. "We couldn't be any more different. You just seek to destroy and destroy. My conviction lies in revealing the dark truths to this sham of a society the public lives in. Where does your conviction lie?"

"Why, why I oughta-" Shigaraki attempted to speak, still crushed underneath the weight of Stain's boots.

"Now, hold it, Tomura," a voice came out from the 'Sound Only' tablet. "This may seem like an unfavorable predicament you're in but I believe that it's quite a good learning opportunity."

Shigaraki continued to struggle underneath Stain's boots. As he writhed in agony and fury, Kurogiri turned his attention to the tablet.

"Master, what are you proposing?" the mist portal asked.

"Well, let's look at our esteemed guest," the voice replied. "Apart from a valuable array of combat skills, he also has an ideology of his own. To cleanse the world of 'fake heroes' to enlighten the masses about the corruption within hero society has a very amiable goal from a third person's perspective, wouldn't you agree? And this isn't just all talk; I can tell right as he stepped into this room that he lives and breathes this conviction. So, Tomura Shigaraki, where does your conviction lie?"

Shigaraki still continued to squirm under Stain's boots. Although still well pinned, he managed to free his hand and touched one of the Hero Killer's katanas by grabbing a hold of it with his left hand.

"My conviction lies in getting this asshole the hell off of me," Shigaraki answered, decaying the object he just held. This distracted Stain for a split-second, which was just enough time for Shigaraki to free himself from the attack.

"That's certainly a good start," the voice replied. "I think for you, it will be best to watch and learn from a professional such as Stain for our next task at hand."

"So, safe to say that you're the real brains behind this operation," Stain said, pointing his remaining katana at the tablet.

"Well, I suppose I'm the one with more experience than the two who found you," the voice replied. "Although this initial encounter was more hostile than I would have liked, I can easily forget this as if nothing ever happened. In return, I do have an actual offer for you."

Stain responded, eyes flinching at the tablet. There was something to this speaker that commanded more attention than two League of Villains members in front of him.

"You know UA High School, correct?" the voice asked, to which Stain nodded. "Good, prestigious hero school, the rest speaks for itself. With the conclusion of their Sports Festival, the hero course students should be taking up their internships with Pro Heroes very soon. I believe creating an attack on not just heroes, but prospective heroes as well can help your cause. After all, they are the future of corruption so you might as well exterminate them before they get too far. Our organization will provide you with support in the form of both Nomus and pseudo-nomus. If you remembered the Naruhata attack, these were the same type of creatures used. It caused quite the panic amongst the local police and heroes that were involved."

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