Chapter 3 - Shizu and Ogres

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By the way, in case you all are wondering, the memory restoration thing is more like bringing back everyone's egos from the previous timeline into this one. It's more like overwriting someone's consciousness without manipulation of sorts.

Or more accurately, their previous consciousness overlaps their current ones. But they'll still have their memories back

So no alter egos are being killed.

Rimuru: "Ah shit, here we go again."

In front of the returning people were a crap ton of goblins.

Shiraori: "Now that's a lot of Goblins."

Eri: "PAPA!"

Eri sped up like a rocket and tackled Rimuru into a hug.

Rimuru: "Hey, snowball. Did you behave?"

Eri: "Mhm! Kota and I were very good while you were away!"

Rimuru: "That's good to know. So where's Kota?"

Eri: "Sleeping."

Rimuru: "Seriously? Ok."

Rimuru lifted Eri up his back and gave her a piggyback ride. Then he turned his attention to everyone else.

Rimuru: "Ciel, how many Goblins are there?"

Ciel: "Around... 5,000."

Rigurd: "Yes, Lord Rimuru! The nearby Goblin settlements have heard rumors about you and your Sister, and have come here seeking your Divine Protection."

Rimuru: "Ok, then they're all welcome to stay... So, wanna name 2,500 while I take another 2,500?"

Shiraori: "Yeah."

Masayuki: 'Are these two really gonna forget their argument yesterday?'

Then Rimuru had Ciel auto-name the rest of the Goblins and all of them evolved into Hobgoblins and Ogres. 500 of them got their memories back, and they vowed to make things right in this new timeline.

Rimuru: "Ok, so let's start with the Village Preps."


It's been a few weeks since Rimuru and everyone else got back from Dwargon. 

Kaina was assigned to be the spy and will later join the Shadow Squad after the Orc dispute in the future. Rimuru gave her direct orders to inform her if she sees a large concentration of Orcs in armor.

Mei was assigned to Veldora's cave and given a lab as big as Mothra so she could work on her projects.

Kaijin and co. had the same jobs as before.

Shiraori had Sophia and Wrath as her two direct subordinates.

And some Skullcrawlers came to the village, wanting to give it extra protection due to how bigger it was.

Now the village had progressed a lot more than it did in the past timeline. As in more houses were built before the Ifrit incident.

Now it was time for the fateful encounter.

Rigurd: "Lord Rimuru!"

Rimuru: "Rigurd, I assume they've been spotted now?"

Rigurd: "Yes, they have, My Lord. Lady Shizu and those three."

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