Chapter 2 - Dwargon

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After some time of riding on the backs of the Wolves, even if they could just teleport, they made it to Dwargon in less than a day despite the place being 3x more farther away from the Jura Forest then last time.

They did run into Behemoth in the way, but he was minding his own business.

Rimuru: "That distance was longer than expected, but oh boy, does Ranga and the Wolves' speed outwit even Woola from John Carter."

They were now standing in front of a long-ass line in front of the gates of Dwargon.

Rimuru: "Why's everyone looking at us funny?"

Most of the people in the line was looking at Rimuru and Ciel... and their minds were filled with one thought...


Ciel could tell what they were thinking and she could only sigh... And Rimuru also figured it out, because 1, he wasn't dense. And 2, he was the great Rimuru-Sama.

Rimuru: 'Guy, I now understand your headaches.'

Then the two idiots who annoyed Rimuru and Gobta from the last timeline appeared.

"Would you look at this, a couple of monsters."

"Hey, those girls look like hotties. Let's snag 'em and take 'em to that Kazak person."

"Yeah! He'd give us a fortune once he sees these hot babes!"

Rimuru: 'Motherfucker...'

Some of the people in the line backed up, not wanting to get involved.

Rimuru: "I don't know who you assholes are, but I want to ask you to get the fuck away before I kill you. Nobody talks to my friends, Sister, and Eternal Partner like that."

Ciel blushed. His female and male friends gave him the thumbs up. Shiraori gave him a pat on the back and was cracking her knuckles, anticipating a fight.

"Oh, what's this? A brave one?"

Rimuru: "Nah, I'm not brave. I just know who's weaker and who's stronger, and I pick fights I know I can win." 'Except that time with Milim in Walpurgis when she nearly murdered me and Ciel if it wasn't for Veldora appearing because of weeb priorities.'

"Tsk! You think you're tough!"

Rimuru: "I don't think... I know... but you're too weak. Pick a fight with me when you're stronger."

Then Rimuru turned back around.

"Hey, we're talking to you!"

Rimuru: "Well, I'm not!"

Shiraori: "Better leave before things get uglier than you two."


Shiraori: "Didn't hear it? Want me to repeat my words? Ok... You. Are. A. Fucking. Pig."

"That's it!"

One dude tried to attack Shiraori, but instead, Shiraori's eyes glowed and the dude stopped. His confident expression turned to that of fear. He looked at Shiraori with absolute fear and then ran away.

"What?! What did you do?!"

Ochaco: 'Oh, so she's using that...'

Rimuru: 'Her new Extra Skill... Evil Eyes... enhanced power with her Unique Skill: One For All.'

Masayuki: 'Guess she used the Evil Eye of Panic.'

"Grr! What did you do?!"

Shiraori: "Nothing. It's not my fault he couldn't handle a little trauma."

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