Chapter 10 - Primordial Demons and... Ciel's surprise?!

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Shiraori: "What the heck, I thought I was getting Katsudon..."

Kinoko: "Don't worry about it, Shroom. Shizu's gonna be here soon enough."

Shiraori: "That's what I've been hearing from all of you for the past 5 hours. And it's been 6 hours since she went to give that slimy brother of mine a piece of her mind."

Azusa: "She's just pissed off is all, Shiraori. It's no big deal."

Shiraori: "It is for me. Midoriya instincts tell me to eat Katsudon, and it's making me hungry."

Setsuna: "Then why the hell didn't you just say you were hungry instead of dragging us around all afternoon? Not that it wasn't obvious."

Setsuna tagged along after seeing her mushroom-loving classmate.

Shiraori: "I didn't wanna trouble you guys. And the whole thing's complicated to explain."

Rimuru: "If it's so complicated, how come you understand it?"

Shiraori: "What's that supposed to... wait, BRO?!"

Her sudden exclamation attracted attention to their table. Rimuru flicked her forehead.

Rimuru: "Would it kill you to lower that voice of yours?"

Shiraori: "Well I'm sorry, I thought you were getting your ass whooped."

Rimuru: "Ok, one, that did not happen. Ciel got a bright idea. And two, don't say 'ass' when there are children here."

He was referring to Falfa and Shalsha, who were sitting beside Azusa.

Then Rimuru sat down.

Rimuru: "So, I take it you've heard of Gobiichi's magnificent cooking?"

Falfa: "We asked for directions to guide us around town."

Shalsha: "By asking, she means she was bugging people."

Falfa: "Am not!"

Kinoko: "Aaaaaanyway, where's Ciel, Shizu, and Milim?"

Setsuna: "Yeah, Sensei. Where they at? I expected they were with you?"

Rimuru: "Well, Shizu's legs suddenly went limp because of some stomach conditions..." 'I know damn well of what's going on in her stomach. I did cum inside her a couple hundred times.' "So she had to use the bathroom before coming here. She'll be here any minute."

Azusa: "And the other two?"

Rimuru: "Helping her."

Azusa: "Ok."

Rimuru: "By the way, I noticed that there are less of you girls here. Where's Rosalie, Halkara, Laika, and Flatorte?"

Azusa: "Oh, Rosalie went with Halkara to buy some medicinal supplies. And surprisingly, Laika and Flatorte voluntarily went with each other to have a look around town."

Rimuru: "Surprisingly? You make it sound like those two don't get along."

Azusa: "It's complicated, but they do get along, they just have a rivalry going on."

Rimuru: "Oh. Kind of reminds me of two people, huh Sis?"

Shiraori: "What are you pointing us out for?"

Shalsha: "Rivalry over who sits on the throne, perhaps?"

Rimuru: "Nope. But it's more like who can eat more Katsudon."

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