6 - Knowledge

487 20 6

Your POV

I sit on this wooden structural stuffs they call it bench. Now that girl surrounded by less beings than before.

I wonder why, but when I saw her stall, all the hotdogs is disappear. Did she gives it to all these beings? How kind she is.

I remember every beings who leaving this place, say their gratitude first before leaving. So I must give mine too.

"Wahh, it's sold! ALL SOLD, YOUNG LADY!!!" she approached.

"S... sold?" I asked.

"Yes!! That's mean, I got money when people get their food!!... yeah, maybe because I made 50% off price-"

Money? People? Food?

"BUT!! These all was also because of you, young lady!! If you're not here, I will not know where my problem is!! Or... my motivation hehe~" She won't stop talking.

She keeps talking about money, people, food, and motivation. Mentioned about things I don't understand, I think I should ask what are those things she mentioned about.

"M...money, people, food, and m..motivation... what are those?" She looks panic when I asked it.

"H-huh? Do you mean in what language? Wait a sec, imma pull my phone to get translator- where are you came from, lady?"

"No.... I mean, what are those supposed to mean-" She get more confused.

I don't think she understands what I mean. I don't want to know the word in another terms, I want to know the mean of the word.

A flower...

"For instance, that is a flower. A flower is a part of beings called plant... and so, what is... money? People... food, or motivation?"

"U-uh... lemme think, okay? Umm..." She put her hand on her face.

Do I asked too much?

"AH! let me ask you first... u-um, okay..."


"You look strange from the start! You wore so little, only a white dress without footwear! You don't know what food is, or you even don't understand when you are hungry! Yes!! You are too dumb to be here!" She said.

What do I wear? I take a look at my appearance. Yes, I wore a white not so long fabric. Is this what they call dress? And what is footwear? ...foot? I take a look at people's foot, and they tend to have something on it. So that was a footwear....

"What I meant, young lady... where are you come from?" She asked me.


"I... don't know..." She raised her eyebrow.

"A... are you lost, young lady? Hmm, do you remember anything???"

"L-lost? I don't know..." She looks more  worry.

"Uh... you don't remember anything??? About what are you doing here-"

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