9 - Decision

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Dazai Osamu's POV

Fyodor is getting the treatment for the explosion he had. I know exactly what is happening in his mind right now.

He must recognize that blueprint and also has the same opinion as me.

Yes... (Y/N) is still alive.

Because of that we still going to get threat from The Hunting Dogs.

Why? It's disgusting thay they're going to use (Y/N) in order to get stronger and rule the world.

their reason to protect humanity is a bullshit.

Because shitty actions Fyodor does some years ago, the Hunting Dogs ask the goverment to hand over him to them.

But we can't do that because we still need this guy if the possibility of (Y/N)'s return is really happening. And it really does.


*beep-beep* Mori-san's phone is ringed

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*beep-beep* Mori-san's phone is ringed.

"So what is it, Mori-san?" I asked him about the phone sound.

"Huft... the parents of Elise-chan's disguise are contacting me for money this month."

"What a shit parent who rent their kid to a creeper like you." He sighed.

"Dazai-kun don't be cruel to me, it's you who made the plan like this..." I give gim a smirk.

*beep-beep* its ringed again.

"Umm, hello... this is Mori- uh? An inspector? I see, yes... hmm, yes..." He talking on the phone.


"Thank you for the chance, I will contact you again. Yes, for the justice..."

For the justice your ass...

"What is it, Mori-san?" He looks pale.

"Dazai-kun... I will send you location, please head to that place. I will maintain Fyodor..."

I guess something interesting might be happening...


Dostoevsky's POV

I smell alcohol. I open my eyes and Mori Ougai sat beside my bed.

I have no question for him. Since everyone here is messing around with me. I know they can't tell me what happening in person, so they need some act like this.

Why don't they just rip all of their guards already? I guess it's a shame that they are not owning full power of this place even these are all their places.

The blueprint...

"Mr. Mori... there is something I wanna ask you." He sighed.

He still has no answer for me but treating my hand. I guess it is not safe to talk about that now?

Let me distract the topic into something else.

"It's about the little girl, I saw her playing around the hall... you shouldn't let her plays here, too dangerous because high stars criminals placed here." He smiled.

"Hmm... I see, what did my daughter does here?"


"It's a shame that her mom left me, so she often appeared around here. Maybe she searched something?"

Searched? Who actually this person He wants to foreshade...

"Umm.. no idea, but I saw her bring her drawings everytime she goes here. What is it?" He laughed a little.

"Ah that... I guess the art she made would bait every attention in this world."

So it's actually right. That blueprint might be a blueprint to recreate the sacred book that Kamui tried to use before.

But how can it be? I thought there's only one book that exist in this world. But... blueprint?

"I know my daughter will be a great artist haha" side topic?

"Haha yes sir, that's true..."

"And... do you mind to help her with it?" He asked me.

He asking my decision to join his force...

"I see no one is here"

I will keep (Y/N)'s hard work for making this world free from special abilities, I will not forgive anybody to recreate the same history as before.

"My pleasure, sir..." I answered his question.

"Haha, I am really happy

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"Haha, I am really happy... how can I pay you for this... haha..."


With every soul that abused this power.

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