~ Chapter 4 : The New Villain ~

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Kirishima and Midoriya just stared at this new villain Bakugo, or HotHead as he says he is, as he threatened them. They didn't move an inch.

After he introduced himself, HotHead let out this .. horrific cackle. It was the one of the most horrifying laughs Kirishima and Midoriya have ever heard in their entire lives.

HotHead still had Bakugo's usual ash blonde hair, but he had red tips on the end of a few strands .. it made it look like he had bl00d in his hair ..
He had two orange horns on his head and a little orange, crackling flame was right between his horns, right in the middle of his forehead.
He also had a change of clothes. He was wearing a black jacket instead of his favorite hoodie, a button-up shirt with orange buttons was underneath that jacket. Black gloves were covering his hands, little explosion sparks were coming out of them .. he was ready to blow Kirishima and Midoriya to pieces.

HotHead was wearing grayish-red ripped jeans and he had tall black and orange lace-up boots on. He also had a tail .. a demon tail. The duo could even make out that he even looked like he had a broken heart at the end of his tail.
HotHead had these giant wings. The orange feathers were fluttering everywhere as he aggressively flapped them.
He had bright red eyes with black, cat-like pupils. His eyes even started glowing in the dimly lit bathroom. There was some kind of black liquid coming from his eyes .. tears .. but he wasn't sad at all. Underneath his eyes was a black mask, almost the exact same mask he wore with his hero costume .. however, he was definitely not a hero anymore ..
The huge, terrifying sharp-toothed grin that was painted on his face horrified Kirishima and Midoriya. The expression he had made him look .. so .. blood-thirsty .. in fact .. he was ..

HotHead slowly and intimidatingly licked his lips .. he was so excited to kill both of them ..

"K-Kacchan ..", Midoriya managed to croak out. The tears he had in his eyes started to roll down his face as he stared into HotHead's bright red eyes.

"No .. no, no, NO, NO!! THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING RIGHT NOW!!" Kirishima yelled, tears also started streaming down his face. He couldn't bare to see Bakugo like this.

"Well, too bad your little 'bAkUbRo' can't hear you anymore~!", HotHead replied in a joking, yet horrifying tone.
HotHead started laughing again. This entire situation was nothing but a joke to him ..

Kirishima turned his head over to Midoriya.

"We need to leave, he could k!ll us .. right here, right now ..", he whispered.

"Are you seriously acting like I can't hear you~?" HotHead again saying in a mocking tone, giggling.

"Idiotic useless bastards .." HotHead snickered.

HotHead lifted his feet off the ground, he started to float in the air.


HotHead put his arm up and an explosion formed in his fist, ready to throw it.

Kirishima's head slowly turned around to face Midoriya, who was behind him, horrified.


Kirishima screamed as he grabbed Midoriya's hand. The boys quickly ran out of the bathroom as fast as they could, and luckily, they got out of there in time.

HotHead didn't even throw that explosion that was in his fist yet .. he wanted to save it. HotHead walked menacingly out of the bathroom .. looked backed at it .. and finally threw the explosion, destroying the bathroom.


Kirishima and Midoriya saw Kaminari, Jiro, Sero and Mina in the hallway, talking. They ran up to them to warn them.

"Guys!! GUYS!!!"

"Woah, Kiribro, you seem a little frantic. Heh ..", Kaminari giggled.


"Huh? What do you mean?", Sero asked.

"I-I-It's Bakugo", Kirishima struggled to let out. "H-He's .. HE'S .."

"Going on another rampage?" Everybody laughed at what Kaminari said.

"Yeah .. I-I guess you could say that .." Kirishima said, upset.

While Kirishima was saying that, Midoriya looked back .. HotHead was walking straight towards them ..

Midoriya gasped and started to run. Kirishima also looked back and gasped. "GUYS, RUN!!", he yelled.
The four were confused as Kirishima started to run, until they noticed the villain Bakugo walking towards them, intimidatingly.
"B-BAKUGO?!", Kaminari yelled, worried. HotHead laughed. "Bakugo's not home right now .. I'M IN CONTROL NOW!!"

"W-WHO THE HELL ARE YOU AND WHAT DID YOU DO TO BAKUGO?!", Sero yelled angrily at the demon.
"HotHead. That's my name now. AND I KILLED THAT GULLIBLE BASTARD!!" HotHead cackled evilly once more.

Kaminari was PISSED. He put his hands into fists and attempted to use his quirk .. well, lack of quirk. Class 1-A lost their quirks when they went to the Miraculous dimension. (Well, except for the people with physical quirks, like Tsuyu. But, they didn't have the kind of ✨ magic ✨ part of their quirks, like Sero didn't have his tape, but he still kept his elbow structure.) Kaminari stared at his hands, confused .. and .. scared. HotHead laughed again at Kaminari's failed attempt at using his quirk. "I'M the only one with a power here, weak extras .." HotHead put his arm up and again, formed an explosion in his fist. "There's one more thing that I would like to say before I kill you bastards .." Kaminari hugged Jiro in fear. Jiro even .. lightly hugged him back. HotHead giggled .. then sighed ..

"Katsuki's sorry for this .."

And then .. he finally threw the explosion towards the four of them .. injuring .. maybe even killing them all in the process ..


To be continued . . . 😳

Hii hope you enjoyed this heheheh- ✨

(It was a bit short but yeah-)

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