~ Chapter 11 : The Dreaded School Day ~

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And just like that, it was the next day. Monday. It was the day that Bakugo dreaded happening. Although, Kirishima woke up first, in a groggy state. The red haired yawned as he woke up, still cuddling the sleeping ash blonde.

"Aww .." Kirishima mumbled as he looked at Bakugo. Bakugo looked, weirdly enough, adorable to Kirishima, he looked so .. peaceful.

Kirishima soon slowly and carefully let go of Bakugo and got up, soon getting ready for another day at French DuPont. Kirishima put on his hair gel, making it as spiky and upwards as it usually is. He also decided to go for a bit of a 'punk' looking outfit, a leather jacket, jeans, black boots, and a few spiky jewelry that Kaminari let him borrow.

After Kirishima got on his outfit for the day, he sat on Bakugo's bed, soon patting him. "Bakubro, wake up!" Kirishima said, grinning. Bakugo groaned a little as he opened his crimson eyes, and the duo's eyes locked. "Hey .. it's Monday, you should go get ready." Bakugo's eyes suddenly widened as Kirishima said this. "Oh .. shit .." Bakugo croaked out in his slightly drowsy state. The ash blonde soon got up, and headed towards the bathroom as Kirishima giggled.

After a few minutes, Bakugo walked out of the bathroom, dressed in a dark blue hoodie, and luckily, an entirely different outfit. Kirishima smiled at the ash blonde as he walked out. "Lookin' good, Bakubro!" Kirishima said, laughing a bit. Bakugo soon raised an eyebrow when he finally noticed Kirishima's outfit. This was a bit unusual for Kirishima to wear.

"What's up with the outfit?" Bakugo asked his 'friend'. "Oh, heh, I decided to kind of give off a 'tough guy' vibe, just in case anyone tries to be an asshole to you!" Kirishima soon put his hands together, in kind of in a 'punching-threat' pose as he smirked. "Look, I can deal with that." Bakugo grumbled, rolling his eyes and blushing slightly. "Heh .. but, still! I just want to make sure you're okay, Bakubro .." Kirishima said, soon getting up and patting Bakugo's shoulder. "I told you not to worry about me, damn it!" Bakugo yelled, his teeth clenched a little. Kirishima frowned a little. "Well .. it's too late to change my outfit now .. it does look cool, though .. c'mon!" Kirishima soon smiled again, soon kind of carrying Bakugo out the bedroom door.


Soon enough, Class 1-A, once again returned to French DuPont, arriving for even more of the lessons they would be taught .. but Bakugo .. Bakugo only secretly and worryingly anticipated for what would happen as soon as he walked into the school. Although, Kirishima was always close enough to him that he didn't have a breakdown. Bakugo started to look around a little as the other students flooded in, and the class bell began to ring. Strangely enough, there weren't many stares coming from the students, and there weren't any whispers either .. yet.


After the first class of the day, Bakugo and Kirishima walked out into the hallway, where a bunch of students were there, chatting and blabbering about random topics. Although, as soon as Bakugo was seen .. almost everyone did stare at Bakugo, although it wasn't completely silent as they still quietly talked. And .. the thing was .. they weren't stares of hatred or malice .. they were stares of .. worry .. pity .. and just general stares that said 'I feel bad for you, Bakugo' ..

Bakugo was .. confused. Why did everyone seem so worried for him? Why didn't anyone just look like they wanted to kill him? Soon enough, the whispers started ..

"Man, I feel bad for that guy .."

The ash blonde heard a student say ..

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