~ Chapter 10 : Another Horrible Nightmare ~

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A few days after the whole situation happened, it was a bright and sunny Sunday morning. Bakugo was sitting on his bed. He was definitely less upset about the situation, but he still felt bad about everything. Although, the thing he dreaded the most though, was going back to school the next day. Bakugo was afraid of the stares of hatred he would most likely get. He was terrified of the horrible whispers he would most likely get. He was horrified of being called a monster, being called a villain, being called just anything horrible by his fellow schoolmates. He, honestly, didn't want to go to school on Monday.

Suddenly, Bakugo's thoughts were interrupted by a cheery voice near him.

"Bakugo! What are ya' doing?" Kirishima asked him, standing in front of him. Bakugo looked up to see his 'best friend', well, more like lover at this point. Bakugo kind of looked down. "Can I .. talk to you about something?" Kirishima nodded as he sat next to Bakugo.

Bakugo looked at the boy next to him for a moment, and then frowned. "I'm .. I-I'm scared .." Bakugo mumbled.

"Why are you scared?" Kirishima asked him. "I'm scared of going to school tomorrow, honestly." Bakugo said again. "I don't want anyone to hate me for .. you know .." Bakugo mumbled. It really hurt Kirishima to see Bakugo in this sad, afraid state for the past few days. He was very worried for him. "Oh, Bakugo, don't say that .. no one would hate you because of that .." Kirishima told him, his hand on Bakugo's shoulder. Bakugo kind of looked down and didn't say anything. "Bakugo, pretty much everyone has been akumatized here, you don't have to worry about anyone judging you because of that." Kirishima told him again. "Okay, whatever .." Bakugo mumbled, slightly angry.

"I've .. honestly become worried about you, Bakugo. I just want you to be okay." Kirishima suddenly told Bakugo. Bakugo jolted slightly as the words left Kirishima's mouth. "You .. you don't have to worry about me, okay?" Bakugo replied, soon patting Kirishima's back. "Alright, if you say so." Kirishima said, chuckling. Bakugo felt better with Kirishima talking to him for a little. Kirishima also suddenly pat Bakugo's shoulder. "Look, if anybody's mean to you, I'll defend you, how about that?" "I don't need protecting!" Bakugo replied, yelling. Kirishima laughed as Bakugo pouted. "You know what? I will anyway." Kirishima smirked as Bakugo groaned. "Whatever .." He mumbled. Suddenly, Kirishima stood up. "C'mon, man! Let's go do something to cheer up the mood a little!" Bakugo rolled his eyes as he also stood up, soon following Kirishima, who was rushing out the door.


After the whole day, it was around 9:00 PM. Bakugo was on the floor, doing crunches. Suddenly, Kirishima walked in the room, rubbing his eyes. "Hey, I think we should go to bed now .." He grumbled. Bakugo groaned while he was completing the 45th crunch. "Fine." Bakugo said, standing up. The duo then walked to their beds, with Bakugo slamming his body on the bottom bunk, and Kirishima climbing to the top, giggling at Bakugo.

The ash blonde yawned as he put his blanket over himself, and got comfortable in his bed. Kirishima did the same, and looked down at the tired blonde from above. "Night, Bakubro!" He said. "Night .." Bakugo grumbled. Kirishima got back in his bed, and fell asleep. It took him a few minutes, but Bakugo was also able to fall fast asleep ..


Suddenly, Bakugo slowly woke up, groaning. He .. wasn't in his bed .. he woke up on hard, dusty concrete ..

"What the? .." The ash blonde mumbled again. "Damn .. what happened to this place? .."

Wherever Bakugo was .. it was completely destroyed. Dust and debris was flying everywhere, the buildings were destroyed, and all Bakugo could see was just .. grey. Bakugo suddenly coughed and rubbed his eyes from all the dust everywhere. Bakugo suddenly shirked when he suddenly started to have a headache ..

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