~ Chapter 12 : The Confession ~ [FINALE]

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After a while, school was finally over for the day, and Class 1-A were finally going back to the hotel. Bakugo and Kirishima were walking next to each other, the group in front of them. The red haired smiled at the ash blonde.

"Alright, so what did you need to tell me, Bakubro?"

"I told you 'I'll tell you when we get back' ..."

"Oh, alright then."

Kirishima smiled slightly, trying to catch up with the others. Bakugo kind of scowled a little as he crossed his arms, following the group.


Once Bakugo and his 'friend' were inside their room, their nice, cozy bedroom, they both sat down on Bakugo's bottom bunk bed, alone, the door shut tight. Kirishima looked at Bakugo, soon putting his hands together, kind of crossing one of his legs on his other leg, ready to listen.

"So .. what was it that you needed?"

Kirishima asked Bakugo, kind of whispering .. before the ash blonde sighed, looking down in shame.

"I .. have something to admit, Kirishima ..."

Bakugo quietly murmured. Kirishima's ruby red eyes widened at what Bakugo said, before he tilted his head slightly, like a curious puppy. "What is it, Bakugo?" Kirishima asked again. The ash blonde stayed silent for a moment, before he spoke again ...

"I .. I did .. have a nightmare ..."

Bakugo said again, Kirishima looking at him. "Oh, really? What was it about?" The red haired asked again, frowning. "It .. was about ... Deku .. and .. all of you guys turning against me or something .. I don't know what it was, to be honest, but you all kept .. laughing at me and shit. It almost seemed like you all didn't even like me whatsoever. Deku, he kept .. screaming at me and then .. everything disappeared and I kept hearing .. awful things. Very awful things."

Kirishima's ruby eyes widened. He never thought that Bakugo could feel like this about himself. It .. always seemed like he felt so .. confident, but this whole dream felt like Bakugo didn't think of himself so highly ...

"... Bakugo .. are you okay?"

Kirishima suddenly asked the ash blonde, holding his hand.

"... um .. well ..."

Kirishima suddenly hugged Bakugo, gently ...

"... Bakugo, I don't hate you .. WE don't hate you ... in fact, I love you .. I love you so, so much, I don't hate you at all."

"... really? .."

"Of course, man! You're my best friend! ... Well, heh .. unless ..."

Kirishima nervously chuckled as he winked .. Bakugo raised an eyebrow, smirking as he held Kirishima's hand tighter.

"Heh, you're an idiot ..."

Bakugo chuckled, before he soon suddenly hugged Kirishima back, the duo soon laying down on the bed once again .. Kirishima laughed for a bit, thinking this was kind of funny, before he looked back to the ash blonde, smiling. "You feeling better?" Kirishima asked, Bakugo kind of looking down, frowning. "I've always been, Shitty Hair .."

Kirishima frowned, not being sure if his 'best friend' was alright, so he asked once again. "You sure?" "Yes ..." Bakugo groggily replied, still not looking at Kirishima, avoiding eye contact. The red haired frowned, before his frown started into a smile, gently hugging Bakugo. "Don't worry, man. We'll figure out how to get out of this dimension soon and then we can go home. I promise." Bakugo kind of scoffed. "Yeah, I know, but .. look, can I .. damn it, can I admit something to you? And you alone?" "Oh, well, yeah, sure." "Don't tell this to anybody else." "Okay .. what's up?"

The duo sat up, looking at each other, before Bakugo looked down once again. "I .. I just ... want to apologize to Deku, but .. damn it, I can't .. I just can't ..." "Wait, for what?" "... um .. nothing, just ... well, no, I .. look, I don't want to tell you." Kirishima's ruby red eyes widened again, before he nodded. "Oh, well, that's alright. I could even help you apologize to him if you want me to!" "... fine .. just don't tell ANYBODY about all this shit ..." "Okay, okay, gotcha, Bakubro-"

The duo then looked back to each other, their red eyes locking once more. Kirishima gave out one of his usual smiles at Bakugo, before the duo laid down onto the bed again. They both stared at each other and then up to the bottom of the top bunk of the bed. Kirishima's smile grew, before he held Bakugo's hand. "I bet we'll get out of here soon enough. And then we'll go back to training!" "Yeah .. yeah, we will. Although, for now, I guess we can go on all these stupid, wild adventures while we're here .. heh ..."

The duo laughed as they soon hugged and cuddled each other once more. Kirishima chuckled a bit again, before Kirishima kissed Bakugo on his forehead, the duo's worries melting away, wishing and hoping for that .. portal to come back. That portal that brought them into this whole dimension mess in the first place. They really were hoping they could possibly escape this .. interesting, weird dimension. And they sure did wish they wouldn't transform into villains once again while they were there for the time being.

But .. little did the duo know ... this was just the beginning of their, and the rest of their classmate's long, wild journey in Paris.


💙✨ THE END ✨💙

Hiii- so, this story is unfortunately coming to a close, but if you heard in the thank you chapter I did, I'm planning on making more MLB x MHA stories!! And I've got a great idea for the next book, so stay tuned!!

Also, I may or may not be planning on doing more art for this story, and possibly even that cute little villain extra chapter I've talked about before, so you can come back to this to come see those if you want to!

One more thing, sorry this took a long while to finally get out, idk why, and sorry if it's short and all, but hey, at least we're here now-

Anyways, bye for now until we meet again!! Thanks for all the support!! ^^💙✨

~ HotHead ~ | A MHA meets MLB Crossover Story | 💙✨Where stories live. Discover now