~ Chapter 6 : The New Heroes ~

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Kirishima and Midoriya managed to hide themselves in an abandoned alleyway in between two almost destroyed buildings, and managed to survive the giant explosion HotHead caused. The red and green haired duo were sitting down next to each other, tightly hugging to protect one another during the explosion. After the explosion died down ..

"M-Midoriya? .."


"You're alive!", they both said.

They both let go of their hug in shock .. and just .. stared at each other.

Kirishima's expression suddenly turned sad and he sat next to Midoriya once more. He coughed a little from all the dust around them, and then a loud sigh came out of his sharp toothed mouth.

"This .. this is all my fault .. honestly." "Huh? How .. is this .. your fault?" Midoriya asked, sadly, but a bit confused.
Kirishima didn't even respond for a few seconds. And then he started to sob ..
"I-It's my fault, IT'S MY FAULT!!" Kirishima tugged his bright red hair in sadness.
"I-I should've at least had an actually good talking-to with him last night!!" As Midoriya looked at him as he went on with his explanation, Midoriya started tearing up as well.

"I-I should've known there was something wrong with him!!" "Woah, woah, hey! Kirishima, what are you talking about?" Midoriya asked, putting his cold hand on Kirishima's shoulder.

"When I woke Bakugo up from him sleeping in class .. he was crying .."
"Wait .. really? What happened? .."
"I-I have no idea .. he probably had a nightmare .. and even though THAT should've been enough, he just started to act so weirdly ever since then! I think he started hallucinating things and it made him really upset!"
"Yeah! On our way to Marinette's house, he yelled at someone I couldn't see!"
"What? .."
"A-And even when THAT should've been enough to tell me something was wrong with him .. he didn't sleep at all last night .. that nightmare must've been terrible .. h-he even asked me if I hated him .."

Kirishima clutched his legs in his crouched sitting position and slumped his head down.

"Wait, did you talk to him last night at least?"
"Yes, b-but that barely did anything!! And now .. my best bro has become a monster .."

Kirishima cried in his sad, crouched position.

"My first love has become something completely unrecognizable ..", Kirishima sadly whispered.
"What? .." Midoriya didn't hear what the red haired boy said, but he tried to console him anyway. "H-Hey ..", Midoriya whimpered. "It's .. not your fault .. it's nobody's fault! All we can do now is try to save Kacchan."
"HOW, MIDORIYA?!" Kirishima yelled, slightly scaring Midoriya. "W-We don't even have our quirks anymore!! How can we even do ANYTHING at this point?!" Midoriya thought about what Kirishima just said for a moment ..
"I-I don't know ..", Midoriya sadly and softly said. He looked at the sad, crying boy next to him. Midoriya put his arms out for Kirishima to hug him once more. Kirishima glared at Midoriya's empathetic, teary green eyes and then tightly hugged him.

After a few minutes of hugs and tears, Kirishima and Midoriya suddenly heard footsteps running towards their little hiding place. Kirishima gasped, horrified that who he thought was the murderous creature that his best friend turned into found them.

"We're going to die ..", Kirishima whispered.

The boys hugged each other the tightest they have hugged in the past 30 minutes to shield themselves. They closed their eyes and just .. waited to die ..

Suddenly, they heard the footsteps walking into the alleyway ...

"Please don't hurt us, Bakubro .. please .."

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