~ Chapter 5 : The Destruction ~

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HotHead laughed at the explosion he just threw at his former friends.

"BYE BYE, FOREVER, FUCKERS!!", HotHead cackled again. After a few seconds, HotHead stopped laughing and just started to walk away from the horrific scene he just caused, in which the explosion was still in action.

"Four down ..

.. loads more to go .."


The children and teachers that were in their classrooms heard it all and were panicking as the school's 'akuma alarm' started to blare. However, HotHead didn't really care about all of them .. all he wanted to do was to find Kirishima and Midoriya .. he DESPISED them .. all he wanted to do was to k!ll them ..

HotHead strolled through the halls, skipping happily as if he were a young child. His bright red eyes looked around for his former best 'friends', now worst enemies.

"Kirishima~ .. Deku~ .. where are you~? WHERE ARE YOU?!", HotHead called out repeatedly. "WHERE ARE YOU, YOU LITTLE SHITS?!", HotHead started getting angrier and angrier the more time passed of not seeing Kirishima or Midoriya. His anger started to overflow .. and then in his rampaged state .. an idea popped into his head .. an awful idea. HotHead chuckled at his new 'brilliant' idea ..

"If I can't find you two ..
.. I'll just have to DESTROY EVERYTHING TO FIND YOU!!!"

HotHead flapped his bright orange wings and lifted his lace-up boots off the ground. He flew away from the school and flew up high in the bright blue sky ..

HotHead stared down at the large, beautiful city that was beneath him. He smirked.
HotHead aggressively, yet excitedly put his arms up, and created a GIANT explosion-fire ball. The demon's blonde hair started to aggressively flow in the now hard blowing wind and from the explosion ball that was right above his head.
HotHead's bright red eyes started to glow and his sharp pupils started to grow, like a cat that just spotted it's prey.
His terrifying grin started to also grow, making even more of his sharp fangs showing.

"Good night, Paris . . .", HotHead growled ..

And then .. he finally threw that giant, orange abomination.

The villain couldn't hear anything other than the extremely loud explosion, debris flying everywhere .. and screams from innocent civilians ..

The screams made HotHead feel so .. happy ..


After around 20 minutes, the explosion started to dissipate ..
.. Paris was completely destroyed .. EVERYTHING was completely destroyed .. dust, debris and dirt was floating everywhere. Pretty much the only color you could see was just .. grey. There were also small fires on a few of the buildings. Almost nobody was around ..

HotHead was one of the only people in Paris now ..

.. however, little did HotHead know .. his 4 main targets were still alive ..


To be continued . . . 😳

hii- sorry this was short I thought that the last sentence was a good cliffhanger-

Anyway, hope you enjoyed! 💙✨

~ HotHead ~ | A MHA meets MLB Crossover Story | 💙✨Where stories live. Discover now