6| The Evening

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Hello my beautiful followers! It's been a LONG time since I've written something. 2 years to be exact. I've been told my writing has improved (thanks to 2.5 years of report writing) I hope you enjoy the next chapter of my book. Don't forget to vote, comment and let me know what you think so far!

Please remember that this is my work, and absolutely no information, names, locations or case informations are from real cases. Its all a plot from my imagination that I have carefully crafted solely for your entertainment.




Did I really just agree to have dinner with her?

Yeah, asshole, clearly you don't learn

After I left Avery's house, I drove back to my place, where I sat in the driveway for what felt like hours. This house, it had too many memories. The ones you wish you could scrub off with bleach and make them disappear. I didn't avoid the front entrance anymore, although the clear image will always be engraved on my mind. But I still avoided one bedroom. One I will most likely never enter again as long as I live.

I made a promise to myself a couple of years back. And here I am, breaking it again. It wasn't a good promise either. But I felt like I needed to punish myself. I didn't know how to cope and I sure as fuck didn't know how to live my life without reliving that night. Work helps with that, though. If I fill every free time with work, I don't have time to think.

I don't have time to remember.

But not with Avery.

I don't fucking get it. I could just not show up. I've done it before, cancelling last minute due to a, "work call". That was the best excuse of all time. Nobody questioned my work schedule or on-call shifts. They had no way of corroborating my story.

So why is it so hard for me to say no to her? I've fucked girl as hot as Avery. Hell, I've fucked professional models. But it's not the same. Yes, Avery is pretty.

No, not pretty. The woman is fucking gorgeous. Her petite size, long deep brown hair and full lips.

Her fucking lips...

And I can't explain what took over me when her asshole ex-husband, or whatever the fuck he is, pushed her and I saw her fall. He's just as tall as me, and I'm pretty fucking tall at 6'4. Avery's head barely reaches my chest. So why did he feel the need take advantage and put his hands on her? I wanted to bash his face in with my hands. Should I have put my hands on him?


No. The professional answer is no

Let him sue me. I don't care. But he needs to keep his hands off Avery

She's not yours to protect

I sighed loudly as I rubbed my face, walking inside the house. I looked up the stairs like I do every day and walked straight to the kitchen. I unholstered the Glock 22 I had tucked under my shirt and laid the gun on the counter. I stared at the gun for a few seconds.

It only takes one bullet

I pushed the thought away and quickly grabbed the closest bourbon, a 1972 bottle and poured more than 2 oz into a glass. The faster I get alcohol in my system, the faster the thoughts go away.

Said like a purebred alcoholic.

I just about chugged the whole thing, feeling the slight burn of the liquid going down. One day, I was going to stop drinking. Maybe when I'm dead, but it counts. In the meantime, I gotta do what I gotta do.

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