9| The Plan

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From the way the parking looked like, I would've never guessed the inside would be like this. From the outside, it looked like an abandoned warehouse. I was now looking at a gigantic gym and not the weightlifting kind. Most of the floor was covered in a black wrestling mat, multiple punching bags hung in a corner and numerous workout equipment were set up against the wall. My eyes met the eyes of numerous women, approximately fifteen of them, who were standing around the mat chatting away. They all looked like they were waiting around the mat. I tried not to frown at the looks they were giving me. Like they were annoyed.

I followed Blake, walking past the women, to an office that was hiding in the corner, the gym speakers playing some sort of Eminem song. Before we made it close enough, a large black man in his forties exited the office. He was possibly the most ripped guy I've seen in my entire life. Wearing a muscle shirt and sweatpants, his biceps were just popping out as he and Blake embraced in some sort of manly hug.

"What's up, man! Glad to see you back. Been a minute" the man said, giving Blake a wide smile before he looked at me and shared the same warm smile.

"Been working like a dog, man. Can't let you run this whole place by yourself" Blake said, and to my damn surprise, gave the man a smirk. I guess his version of a smile.

"And who's this? You didn't say you were bringing a date" the man said, turning his full attention to me.

"Mack, this is Avery, a friend. She needs a lot of help" Blake said, emphasizing in the word 'friend'. I had to keep myself from rolling my eyes at Blake, so I gave Mack my warmest smile and shook his extended hand.

"Nice to meet you. Glad you could join us" Mack said, sneaking a look at Blake, whose face had gone back to stone cold as he walked past us and inside the office.

"What brings you here?" Mack asked, crossing his wide arms across his chest and watching Blake as he walked towards a door that had a male bathroom sign on it.

"Honestly? No idea. He thinks I need help defending myself or something" I mumbled, shrugging my shoulders.

"Well, you came to the right place. He's a pretty good instructor. This is a recurring group, so I won't make you try to catch up with them. But I'll show you some moves" he said, with another flashing smile. I couldn't help myself; I smiled back at him.

A couple of minutes passed, and Blake exited the bathroom, wearing a black sleeveless t-shirt, some black Adidas jogging pants and black sneakers. He gave me a quick look as he walked past us to drop off his bag in the office before walking back to us

I looked away quickly, trying to ignore the fact that the fucker looked so fine my face was starting to get red.

"Ya'll ready or what?" Blake said, walking past us towards the mat


I couldn't anymore. I was gonna throw up. And I really wanted to keep my damn muffin down. After Mack had me warm up with the rest of the ladies by running around the mat, he made me do a couple of push-ups and then assisted with crunches. Like, hell, I wasn't out of shape by a long run. I go to the gym three times a week, but when you have someone next to you telling you to go lower on your pushups or higher on your crunches, it felt twice as hard.

After the warmup, the ladies rounded up to meet Blake in the center of the mat while I met Mack in the back of the mat.

I was trying to pay attention to what Mack was telling me, but I couldn't keep my eyes away from Blake, who was giving a speech to the other ladies. Son of a bitch could've told me he was teaching a female defensive class.

Mack showed me the basics of punching, which I already knew but didn't care to tell him, and how to block hits. He then showed me how to kick in a way that it was effective for my small frame. I guess not everything depends on size and strength. As long as you have a good stance and the right technique to punch or kick, you can be just as strong or good as someone with a bigger frame. And I proved that when I landed a couple of good punches and kicks that had Mack stepping back with the boxing pad.

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