5 | The Invitation

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Blake POV

"What the actual fuck did you just say?" I asked after I head David mumbled after looking into the microscope.

"You sound surprised" David said, putting the file down.

"How can you tell?" I asked, reading the report he wrote about the lady's autopsy.

"Which part? That the guy is lefthanded or that we confirmed he's a psychopath in the making?" he asked with a morbid smile. There it was again

"Both, I guess. I thought you were messing with me about the paint brush" I mumbled, trying to get my head back in the game. I've dealt with serial killers in the making before and this guy is no different. I just have to get the report on any updates regarding the BOLO they got so far. If we have no name or some sort of description, I doubt we'll get any hits. Unfortunately, the only way of trying to catch this guy is to have another victim, which means another one will perish. And it will because we have no way of stopping him.

At least not yet.

"Well, we already knew he was using a paint brush, but I wasn't sure until I ran a test of the material and it came out to be a bristle. I have a colleague that paints on the side and he said he's only seen that type of bristle in a...wait, one moment" he says while he reads the report and points to a section

"A Winsor and Newton Winton Hog Bristle Brush. Damn what a mouthful" David says. I frowned and my brain started going a thousand miles an hour. This was definitely not an accident. This was premeditated

"He didn't leave any fingerprints. He was very meticulous. So what are we thinking?" I asked, trying to have an open mind about this.

David bit the inside of his cheek while looking down at the report.

"I'm thinking he strangulated her, then slit her throat, which is why she has bruises on her neck. I still stand with slicing her throat open after she was death because there wasn't any splattering or signs of struggle. He might've cut the carotid after some time, which could explain why the blood pooled perfectly under her" David was looking at the report, but his mind seemed to be in another world

"Did you get the report for the autopsy?" I asked, checking the documents he gave me

"Yeah...they believe she might've been assaulted before he killed her. It's the only way he would've been able to move her so easily. Once the person dies-"

"Rigor mortis sets. I know. But that doesn't happen until hours later, so how long are we thinking he took?" I asked, some things not matching with others. Either this guy was more crooked than we thought or there's something missing from the report

"I say less than an hour. The autopsy wants to say more than one, don't ask me why" David said, with raised eyebrows.

"Any DNA found in the victim?" I asked, referring to semen,  and David shook his head no and I couldn't help but smack the metal table David was using to work. God fucking dammit. So we had no DNA, no evidence, no subject profile.

"So we have nothing. He just left the body disposed and disappeared into the night. This is ridiculous" I mumbled.

I heard a door open and both David and I turned to look at the newcomer. It was Tonya from dispatch. She was about fifty, with short blonde hair and she had been working for dispatch and 911 operator for thirty years now, even when I was going through training.

"Hey, how are you?" I asked, looking down at the report once again.

"Blake, honey, I have some interesting news for you" she said, placing a hand on her hip and leaning against the edge of the metal table. David gave her a pointed look when she shook the table

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