10| The Fever

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-Don't Blame Me by Taylor Swift-inspired the hotel scene.


PS: Author's confession at the end

"I don't think that's wise" I mumbled under my breath as Blake grabbed a six pack of Corona beer and depositing it inside the shopping cart. We came to a local Walmart to grab some stuff for our short stay. Blake was able to find a reservation at a local Double Tree hotel that had last minute vacancy. At 6 pm, the place was packed with tourists, causing long lines at the check-out registers.  After a quick trip to the toiletry aisle, I grabbed a travel toothbrush kit, some mini body wash, shampoo and conditioner. After sweating the way I did, no way in hell I wasn't going to take a shower. After I asked Blake if he was going to grab anything, he grunted he had extra clothes in the bag, but grabbed a toothbrush himself before walking off.

With a fucking attitude too.

I made a beeline to the clothing aisle and grabbed a black t-shirt and matching pajama short. Not exactly the best attire to wear around Blake, but I'm also not going to wear long pants in this humidity. He can get over himself. I just needed some clothes while my current attire dries up. I also grabbed some single underwear from the mix and match aisle and tossed them together with the clothes.

Blake reappeared from his disappearance act and tossed a pack of underwear. I pressed my lips into a thin line, trying to keep my triumphant smile at bay.

"If you have something to say, you can just speak up" he grumbled as he walked alongside me while I pushed the shopping cart. I rolled my eyes

"I got nothing" I said, slightly annoyed that he was so damn grumpy. I was trying to think of something else to say when my phone started ringing. I fished the phone out from my small side purse and saw that it was Landon. I cursed under my breath and snuck a quick look at Blake before I rejected the call. I'll call him later.

After grabbing some bottles of water and some candies from the register aisle, we paid our stuff and walked towards the parking lot. The rain was still coming down strong and I was already soaked like a wet rat. It was not a pretty a look. We jogged to the motorcycle, which was completely soaked, and put our bags in the empty sidesaddle. My body cringed every time I had to sit straight on a puddle that was on the seat. I had to ignore the cold water because we didn't have anything to wipe it with. Blake sped off and out of the parking lot quickly as I barely wrapped my arms around him. I could feel that he was over getting wet too. At some point, the motorcycle skid a bit after we ran over a deep puddle and Blake wrapped one of his hands around mine, pressing it against his stomach. I think he was trying to ensure I had a good grip.

"Are you trying to fall off the bike?" he yelled over the loud wind. I didn't answer because I was sure I was going to give him cuss words.

About fifteen minutes of riding under the storm, we pulled up to the hotel parking and he parked under the cover of a roof, by the front desk double doors. He left me sitting on the motorcycle while he went inside and retrieved the keys.

I looked around as I wiped my face, trying to get rid of the water that clung to my skin. My hair was so wet you could've sworn I jumped out of the shower without using a towel and got dressed after. The little amount of makeup I put this morning was definitely gone if it wasn't already smeared under my eyes.

I was trying to ignore the embarrassment that I probably looked like a hot mess, my hair and clothes were soaking wet, and I was stuck four and half hours away with a cop. A guy I'm not even friends with. The more I thought about it, the less it made sense.

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