2| The Search

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FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM: AnonymousBlueInk to see my character inspiration for Detective Carter and Avery Miller


The early Saturday morning sun shone through the windows and I was still awake. Kate and I crashed in the living room, 'cause let's be honest, we're nosy as fuck. I knew I should've said something about the suspect seeing me, to be quite honest, I don't know what kind of shit would go down if they knew I lied. It was a split moment decision, and before I knew it, I was lying through my teeth. I just wanted to stay far, far away from the investigation.

My cellphone started ringing and I winced when Kate started mumbling while hiding under a pillow

"Woh...close...blinds" Kate mumbled from under her arm sleepily. I rolled my eyes and gave her a push on her ass with my foot before I stood up and snatched my phone, answering it quickly without checking the ID

"Yes" I didn't even recognize my voice. It was scratchy and deep, remnant of the bottle of wine Kate and I finished after Detective Carter left.

"I heard what happened. I'm on my way" I quickly recognized the manly voice and I suppressed a groan.

"Landon, I'm fine. Kate is here with me. Where's my baby?" I asked more awake now, going to the kitchen to grab a bottle of water. Maybe it would help me get rid of the sudden dry mouth I seemed to acquire the second I heard my soon-to-be ex-husband's voice.

"He's with me. I was on my way to the house when I heard the news on the radio. Is the police still there?" he said, and I sighed, damning whoever sent bad luck my way. I went to the living room window, spying on the five patrol cars still parked and the two news-channel van. The street was still closed and there was an extra van that read forensics out front

"Yup. You're not gonna be able to get in. They closed the whole street" I said, walking back to the kitchen so I didn't disrupt the cranky sleepy panther I had sleeping in my living room.

"So? Kate had to get in somehow. I was just calling to let you know I was on my way to drop him off and...pick up some things" he said in a bitter tone and I bit the inside of my cheek. Great, now he was coming inside the house.

"Alright. If you figure out a way to get past the crime scene tape, just come on over" I told him and after a quick agreement I ended the call, letting go of the air I didn't know I was holding.

"You're so loud" Kate's groggy voice echoed down the hall as she stood up from the couch and walked to the kitchen.

"Good morning!" I said exceptionally loud on purpose, which caused her to wince and smack my arm with the back of her hand as she walked past me to the fridge

"Bitch, shut up, my head is pounding" she moaned and grabbed a beer out of the fridge

"What are you doing? It's like seven in the morning" I said with wide eyes. She seriously wanted alcohol poisoning this early?

"I read in a magazine this is the best cure for a hangover" she said, discarding the screw top and taking a long swig of the beer, making my stomach churn and my body shudder.

"You're dehydrated. You need water and food. Maybe a banana bag" I mumbled, starting to pace the kitchen

"And you need to get a man. Preferably that G.I Joe that came in here last night" she said with a brilliant smile before taking another swig of her beer

"How about we get you a bottle of holy water to quench that horny-ass thirst running through your veins" I said, about to roll my eyes at her. She scoffed but cracked a smile

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