8| The Proposition

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BLAKE POV- Tuesday, March 19, 2019; 10 AM

"Do we think this dude is targeting the nearby houses?" I asked Lt. Coleman.

"No idea, man. This could be the next hot spot in the city. I know we've gotten reports of drug dealing happening in the nearby community. Shit might be leaking from a bad neighborhood into this one" he said as he read over the burglary report from Avery's house.

I was currently sitting across from him in his office, hunched over, resting my elbows on my knees. This man could go from being a dick to the best leader in the whole department. Today he was in a good mood, so I came in to try to figure out the whole, 'killer on the loose' situation. So far, I haven't gotten anything.

"And you're telling me this is the same witness from your homicide case?" he asked as he flipped to another page

"Yep. Don't know if it's connected or not. It doesn't seem like anything was taken and the person probable ran off when the dog was alerted" I mumbled, rubbing my tired eyes. I seem to be stuck in a perpetual hang over and tirelessness. That's what happens when you drink the way I do and pass out from the alcohol. Not in a lose-consciousness-pass out; more like an alcohol-induced-sleep.

"We should set up surveillance. Even if it's not related, we can kill two birds with one stone" Lt. Coleman said, eventually tossing the report to a corner of his desk. I leaned back and stared at his walls, lined up with certificates and awards he's gotten throughout the year. The son of a bitch was good at his job. Sometimes the assholes were the best one at this job.

"We can't confirm nor deny if it's related though" I said automatically, as if I've been reciting the words over and over again. I think I was trying to convince myself that it wasn't. More for Avery's sake than mine, really

"The thing is, if it's the same dude, how come your girl didn't get killed like the other chick? Both were sleeping when the perp broke in their house-"

"Yeah, but Avery had a dog. The victim didn't. Maybe the perp wasn't prepared to have a dog waiting for him. It's probably not even the same guy. Avery's guy is like...messy. He left the door open and even made himself known to Avery" I mumbled, annoyed that he called Avery my, "girl". She wasn't mine, nor would she ever be. She couldn't be.

She needs to stay away from me. I don't need another tragedy happening on my watch. If she got involved with me, shit would follow her everywhere. She'd get hurt. I can't afford to hurt another woman like that again. The first time almost killed me. Hell, the first one is still killing me. I'm still trying to drown the sorrows from that one.

But what am I supposed to do about her asking for help?

Am I supposed to stand by and watch her get hurt? The whole point is to not hurt another woman, yet I'm supposed to just walk away and let her get killed? But if I get close enough to help her, then I may subsequently hurt her.

Maybe if I ensured she didn't get too close.

Being an asshole has worked in the past for me. It could work this time too. Just long enough to solve this case and ensure she's not in danger. Once it's done, I can cut all ties with her. It would be for her own good.

"You think we can get a stakeout house in that neighborhood?" I asked him, dragging my eyes from his awards to his eyes. He raised his eyebrows.

"Why don't you ask your girl?" he asked, studying me. I could feel myself getting ticked off by the seconds. He knows he's pissing me the fuck off. He's doing it on purpose and I'm not gonna give him the satisfaction.

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