3| The Help

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My luck is like a bald guy that just won a comb.

Sometimes I try to roll with it, but other times I wanna give a big middle finger to the universe. Just when it seems like life is getting good, something, or rather someone, always has to come along and ruin it.

So here I was, at the Miami Springs Police Department, waiting after being questioned again who know why. They retrieved my gun and were in the process of " running ballistics". Who knows why because I haven't fired that gun since the last racoon that tested my patience.

Kate was probably waiting outside, and I was praying she didn't tell Landon I had been "detained". It looked like an arrest to me, and Detective Carter was seriously pissing me off with his macho armada, trying to come up with an explanation out of thin air.

Next time, I'm not calling anybody if this is what's gonna cost me.

Carter wasn't even the one that questioned me, it was one of his buddies, and he seemed to be fond of writing down every single exhale that came out of my mouth as if it was evidence. I didn't know how in the world I got into this. So here I was, freaking out on the inside but looking so pissed off on the outside. Someone was gonna pay for this, and I had an idea who.


"Carter, what the fuck did you do?" Lieutenant Coleman said in a rather pissed off attitude, his face going red. I clenched my teeth, trying to bite back a smartass comment but failed.

"To my understanding, and last time I checked, my job" I said, looking down at the copy of the permit. Why does someone act so shady when they have nothing to hide? The gun game back negative for any gunpowder residue. Her hands were also clean.

"Don't get fucking smart mouth with me. I'm two seconds from getting you suspended, and you're not gonna be doing any job. You know better than this" Lt Coleman said, his face red

"I know I have a sadistic murder in my hands, and I have a witness without an alibi that just happened to live next to the victim. She acted like she knew something but was choosing to shut her mouth. So yes, I detained her" I said.

"Under what fucking justification, Carter?" he said, looking like he was ready to blow up

"I had reasonable suspicion. I'm obliged to interview and investigate a witness" I said, ready to be done with this conversation

"You didn't just investigate, carter. You fucking arrested her! You took her civil rights and brought her down here to investigate her. Do you understand that she can go and sue us for unlawful arrest? What the fuck is wrong with you!" he yelled in my face, and I even think some spit sprayed on me. I clenched my mouth and closed my fists, keeping my hands by my sides. This job was all about self-control, but mine was about to run thin. I knew It would be the end of my career if I pounded his face right here right now, and I would probably have battery charges to go along with my record.

"I asked her to come to the station. She agreed. I didn't arrest her"

Lt. Coleman pounded his fist against the desk

"Listen to me really carefully. You have nothing here. The victim was killed with a knife, not a fucking gun. Just because there was a fucking bullet casing doesn't give you the right to start snatching everybody that carries a gun around here. Release the woman, right now, and you better apologize. Kiss her ass if you have to because if she comes back to sue us because of your fuck up, I promise you Carter...we will not take responsibility and you can pay the civil lawsuit yourself because it's not gonna come out of the agency's pocket" he said. He didn't move either, just stood there, his face six inches away from mine.

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