3| The Fight

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On Monday night I was ready to start dinner at six o'clock. I never went past that time, although studies show you need to eat before six as your body starts to unwind. However, today was groceries day and I had just found out I was out of more than two thirds of the ingredients I needed for tonight's supper.

Freaking greedy Fred

When I see him he's gonna get hit

I took a deep breath and decided he wasn't worth me getting mad this late. I would just go get more ingredients and start dinner. I eyed the kitchen clock again. It was already six fifteen.

My anxiety spiked

I needed to hurry up

I picked up the keys from the counter and made my way to the door.

A red Post-it note was stuck to it right above the doorknob. I frowned and pulled it off, worried the lousy adhesive would ruin the white paint

I took care of the body. Handle the rest


Tuesday was filled with meetings and a very annoying boss jabbering left and right while my head was back at home. Things were starting to settle down a bit back in my neighborhood. The police were supposed to be leaving the crime scene soon and from what I heard, the lady's family was in town to take care of the house. I was antsy to go home and crawl in bed. My body was screaming for sleep and I couldn't figure out why. Luckily, it was a short day for me as the executives had an early meeting and they didn't need me at the office anymore. So after I sent my last fax, I grabbed my purse and left. I stopped at the store for some cheese, crackers and wine and then drove home. I was most likely gonna call Kate for a girl's night later today.

I became somewhat annoyed to see some officers still in the house next door, going in and out. I felt like I couldn't do whatever I wanted without having the cops up my ass. I parked quickly and grabbed the bags, hurrying inside to avoid having their scrutinizing eye.

I didn't get far though.

When I went to open the front door, I came to the realization it was already cracked open. I frowned and opened it wide, my eyes looking inside. What the actual hell?

Then I realized something else.

The door was opened, and Loki was not inside.

"Oh fuck" I set my groceries down on the ground and ran inside, calling Loki's name. He wasn't here. Did they get another freaking warrant and come in here without me present?

Where was Loki? Where would he go? This is the only home he knows, and I had no idea around what time he could've escaped.

I turned around and marched towards the murder house. Two officers were outside cracking jokes with each other when they saw me. I don't know if it was my face or the frantic pissed off way I was walking but their relaxed demeanor shifted to being high alert and they both turned in my direction

"Ma'am you can't go in there. That's a crime scene" one of the officers said with his hand up as if he was going to stop me. His name tag said Ruiz

"Oh sorry I didn't freaking know. It's not like I don't live next door" I spat. I couldn't control my mouth and I knew it was a matter of time before they hauled my ass to jail

The second those words came out of my mouth the second officer, named Bucker, eyed his buddy Ruiz and then back at me, looking like he was ready to take me down if I tried something

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