7| The Tension

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"I'll have her come in tomorrow" I heard Blake say on the phone before he ended the call. My heart was beating out of my chest while Blake talked to whoever was on the other line. He turned towards me, shoving the phone in his pocket

"You need to come down to the station tomorrow morning to give a new statement. Make sure you don't lie on this one" he said quickly before he stormed past me and towards the back porch door.

"Wait, where are you going?" I asked as I tried to catch up to him. He was moving with a damn purpose, putting distance between us as he reached the front door.

"Blake, what's going on!" I just about shouted at him. Blake turned around abruptly, his hand up in a lazy 'stop' sign and his bright eyes met mine.

"This was a mistake. I appreciate the sentiment, but we're not repeating this. I can keep you out of trouble for the first one, but I can't cover for you if you lie again. I won't" he said, his tone low. Panic settled and my heart started to race once again.

"Okay, fine. But what do I do about the creep? What if he comes back?" I asked, my eyes looking around and then setting on the side door in the kitchen.

Blake turned around and opened the front door

"Hello! I'm talking to you!" I yelled at he exited the house and went down the steps.

"Aim for center mass" he called out before he jumped in his truck and drove away.

MONDAY, March 18, 2019

I woke up around 8 am and saw I had a miss call from Kate. Instead, I called my job and told them I was sick and would not be coming in. After getting dressed in sweatpants, tank top and my Adidas, I drove to the Miami Springs Police Department. I requested to speak to Detective Carter but I was told he wasn't working today. So I just asked if I could speak to someone about amending a statement. An officer came to meet with me. After I explained him that Detective Carter requested I came to write a new statement, the officer complied and gave me a blank statement for me to fill out. Once everything was completed, I left the police station and went back home

By 10 am, I hadn't heard anything from Blake.

I don't know what I was expecting, but leaving the way he did was definitely not how I wanted the night to end. He's mad. Clearly. But, that mad?

He doesn't owe you an explanation. Let it go.

After having a rather quick conversation with Kate and ending it with an excuse of calling her later. I began to clean up the mess I left in the kitchen the night before. I told myself it wasn't to distract myself from thinking about Blake. The man is bipolar. He has to be. Who goes to someone's house and behaves like that? I had so many questions for him, but talking to him was like asking a wall to tell me its life story. I seriously disliked him. He was pretentious and fucking condescending. I don't know why I kept trying to get on his good side, 'cause clearly it wasn't working.

I spent the rest of the day, sitting around, sulking. By 3pm, I laid down on the couch with Loki and watched Netflix until I passed out.

I was awakened suddenly by Loki barking. And not the barking he does when there's a squirrel outside. No, this was the 'I'm feeling threatened' bark, mixed with deep growls. The sun was almost down and the only light was coming from the TV and the kitchen light I left on. My heart was beating from being woken up so suddenly. I looked around and found Loki barking, facing the back door.

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