11| The Victim

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"We gotta leave" Blake said, putting the phone down from his ear and onto the nightstand. I looked at him like he grew two heads.

"What do you mean?" I asked cautiously. No way, we just got here.

"That was my Lieutenant. I'm getting called to a scene" he mumbled, rubbing his face with both hands. He was tired. I could see it and he knew I could see it.

"We just got here, Blake. And it' still storming out" I said but then felt dumb. Of course, he knew all of this. But I felt like I needed to voice the obvious because he didn't seem to think this was a problem.

"We'll have to wait until the rain is at a minimum. But after that, we must go. I can't sit around waiting" he exclaimed, his eyes meeting mine. I swallowed the knot stuck in my throat. He was acting like we hadn't been grinding each other less than five minutes ago. Why are men like this? Hot one second, cold the next.


"Avery" he cut me off in a dismissing way. He must've sensed what I was thinking. I tried again.

"Can we just talk-"

"I don't want to talk, Avery. I already told you, I'm not ready" he raised his voice at me. I clenched my jaw so hard I could've cracked a tooth. I was pissed, but mainly embarrassed. I was starting to sound like I was begging him.

We didn't talk after that. And we definitely did not pick up where we left off before he got that call. It seemed our short but steamy session would be a memory left behind at the hotel, four and a half hours away from reality.

Two hours. That's how long it took for the weather to calm down. At almost 10 pm, we grabbed our belongings, and after making a quick stop at the front desk, we made our way outside and to the parked Harley. It was almost 10 pm and although the road was still wet and partially flooded, the rain had stopped, and clear skies welcomed us. My clothes were still partially wet, but I had no choice but wear them. I would not be riding a motorcycle in pajamas today.

As I wrapped my arms around Blake's torso, the feeling of his lips on mine was engraved in my memory. His warm body protected my body from the cold wind that leaped at my hair, and I buried my face against his back. Of course, I only did that to keep the wind from freezing my face off. He didn't make an effort to ease the awkwardness though. He was stiff against my body, as if he rather be swimming with leaches than have me pressed against his body.

His sudden change is demeanor was a slap to the face. I mean, I wasn't the one that initiated that kiss. Yet, he acted as if I confessed my love to him after one date. Not that we had one.

I wasn't expecting a love confession. Hell, the guy just told me he's not interested in pursuing anything, but last time I checked, we were two adults. There was no need for this silence and awkwardness between us. If anything, I should be the one being awkward and trying to get away from him.

But you won't because you like him

I do not like him. I can't deny the dude is hot as fuck, but with that personality, he could jump off the highest cliff. I had one asshole ex, I don't need a second one.

After the first hour, we stopped at a nearby gas station to refuel and grab a quick snack. Candy bar for me it is. By hour number three, I was trying not to doze off in the back of the motorcycle. I was exhausted and ready to cry out of frustration. I didn't know how I was going to make it another hour and a half without falling asleep. Although we rode in silence, the steady roar of the motorcycle in the background and Blake's warm body against mine were putting me to sleep. At some point I did blink a little bit too slow, and I was woken up by Blake's warm hand squeezing mine lightly, the one pressed against his stomach. I didn't say anything; just took a deep breath, blinked hard and forced my eyes to remain open so I wouldn't fall off.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2022 ⏰

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