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Laughter of children filled the air as they played in the sand that was turning a beautiful orange with a hint of pink as the sun began to set. You were playing with them, like every other child in town as you all ran around as you felt the sand under your feet. You giggled as you played tag with them all, then hide and seek, all the wonderful childish games you could come up with. You smiled as you were hiding behind two barrels, filled with what is called 'rum' from what you heard.

You couldn't hide your giggles as you were over-excited and pumping with adrenaline, you were just so happy to be here. You don't want this to end! Never in a million years, wanting to stay a child forever! But of course, not everything is happy.

You were found by your fellow friend as he had startled you before you jumped from hiding and walked from behind the barrels. "Dangit! I thought that was a pretty good spot!" You said with your squeaky voice. The little boy chuckled. "It was since you're the last one to be found!" He exclaimed as his high pitch voice too filled the area. You looked around and saw that everyone else was found and waving at you from two crates pushed together, also known as the jail. You hopped up and down in joy as you looked around, you suddenly came to a halt.

You looked out towards the distance of the ocean. "What is that?" You pointed in the direction you were seeking, squinting your eyes to get a better look of it. The little boy and other kids turned around and looked to where your finger was pointing at. "Isn't that a.." "SHIP!" You all yelled. The little boy grabbed your hand and dashed to the town.

You both ran to the officials house as you ran inside and stopped. "SIR! It's the **r**h ship! They're coming right for us!!" You screamed in terror. The guards looked at you both before more kids came running in, pure terror etched on their faces. The guards realised the situation at hand was terrible.

"Ring the bells! At last, it's time for war!" He yelled to one of the fellow guards. "You kids, you know where to go, right?" The head guard said as he came down the stairs. You all nodded your heads quickly. "Go! Get to safety!" He yelled, and before you knew it, all of you dashed towards the woods to a chamber underground.

As you all ran you heard cannons being shot, the sound clouded your thoughts, making you scream and fall to your knees. "Hœn**! You gotta get up!" That same boy said as he grabbed your arm and pulled you up to your feet as you ran again to the chamber.

You both ran as screams filled your ears until the unthinkable happened. One of the guards of **r**h appeared in front of you. "Finally, I found you." He walked towards you both. You looked at the little boy as he looked back at you. His beautiful hazel eyes staring into yours. "F**i*! Run!" You said and pushed him to the side as he stumbled over. "What! No, I'm no-" "Go!" You screamed.

The little boy frowned as tears threatened to pour from his eyes. "Please.." You whispered, yet, he still heard you. "I'll be waiting!" He yelled before dashing away from you before leaving your sight. You turned back towards the man that stood in front of you. "You're coming with me kid." He said as he reached out for you, but you quickly ducked under him as you crawled between his legs and dashed through the woods, hearing him yell towards you before hearing his footsteps chase after you.

You ran as fast as you could through the woods, no matter how much the guard behind you threatened you to cease. And next thing you knew scared everyone. "TSUNAMI!" You froze in place as you turned to your left as you saw through the trees a humongous wave looking as tall as 70 feet.

You heard screams of horror from everywhere. But you couldn't stay there, maybe if you run you'll make it to the underground bunker. And that's what you did, you kept running, not caring about how tired you felt. There it is, the bunker. You saw F**i* standing there, waiting for you just like he promised. "F**i*!" You screamed. He looked up once he heard his name. "Hœn**! Look out!" He screamed. But it was too late.

You felt a sharp pain shoot through your ankle before quickly collapsing to the ground. You screamed in pain as you turned on your back. Before your eyes, you see the same guard standing over you. "Over my dead body that I'll ever let you go.." He snarled with a chilling smile.

You turned and looked at F**i*. "Go! Just hide!" You screamed. "No! I'm not lea-" You cut him off with tears trickling on the verge of falling. "GO!" He began to cry to himself. "Promise you'll be fine!" He yelled. You looked at the quickly coming wave then at the guy. You sighed. "I promise!" You lied. He nodded before going down the ladder to the bunker before closing the hatch as you heard it squeak, knowing he locked it.

You closed your eyes. "I'll make sure you'll die with me you-" He was cut off by the wave dissolving him and you with the rest of your surroundings. Taking everything in it in its path and anything it could reach. And everything went black.

So this is how I die, huh?

What a short life I lived...

You began to cough up all the water before gasping for air and shooting your body up. You looked around at whoever saved you. "Oh, thank the Gods that you're alive." The female said. "W-What..?" You replied. "What happened, sweetie? A young lady like you could have died!" She exclaimed, concern written all over her face. "I...I don't remember.." You said as you looked her in the eyes.

She frowned. "Do you know your name?" She asked as she stood up, extending her hand for you to grab. You hesitantly grabbed it as she pulled you up on your feet. You weeper in pain once adding pressure to your ankle. The lady noticed and saw the wound on your ankle.

"Get on my back dear, you have a gunshot wound in your ankle," She said as she crouched down in front of you. Like before, you were hesitant but did so. Name? What is my name? You began to think as hard as you did, but it only gave you a terrible headache. You stumbled as you grabbed your head. "I don't..I don't remember my name," You said, weakly. She sighed as she wrapped her arm around yours and legs as she stood up with you on her back. "That's fine. How about we go to my village and get you tidied up?" She said with a genuine smile on her face. You slowly nodded your head. "Oh, my name is Chae Rin." She said as she carried you along the seashore. You furrowed your brows. Who am I actually..?

Lost Soul ☯︎︎ (ATEEZ AU) Yunho x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now