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You were breathing heavily as you were laying against the deck of the ship. It's been a few days since that encounter with the Slymore guards. It was past midnight and you were currently training with Jongho and Yunho. You were taking a break as you watched the two boys spar with each other with their cutlasses clashing together as they each defended themselves from being hit.

You improved a lot from what Yunho said with a cutlass and somewhat of a musket. He said you're better off using swords than a gun, unless times call for one. Jongho on the other hand didn't say anything about you doing better or worse, he would just teach without giving any feedback. Not like you cared or anything, but maybe a little something to show your feedback would be good.

Changbin would watch and monitor you three and would bring rum whenever the time called for some, but you would turn down the offer and ask for some of San's tea. You grew quite fond of the bitter earthy taste, you don't mind it anymore.

Just like now, he was off to grab the drinks while you sat and waited. "Ji Ah!" You opened your eyes as you saw the two men walk over to you before sitting down on one side next to you. "Yeah?" You asked. "Good job tonight, you've gotten better with your parry's." The oldest said. You smiled weakly at him as you felt quite exhausted. "Thanks." You said breathlessly. And just in time, Changbin came back with the drinks.

"See you're done for the night, eh?" He asked as he handed you all your drinks and sat next to you on your right. "Yeah, surprisingly we took a little longer than usual." Jongho said as he peaked over from Yunho blocking his way.

You nodded your head before you took a sip from your tea and set it back down as you looked up at the stars. The small yellow, white, and blue twinkled away as it relaxed your mind from thoughts that you had. Lately you've been speaking with Yeosang about almost everything.

He said he, San, and Seonghwa will try to get to the bottom of this. You smiled at their consideration, but something in you doubted that they honestly will. You shrugged it off as you decided to go to bed. You stood up from your spot. "Where you going?" You heard Changbin ask from behind you. "I'm going to sleep early tonight." You said as you placed your cutlass on the ground.

"See you guys in the morning, yeah?" You asked knowing what the answer is going to be. "Of course, go rest up, we'll be heading in in a few." Yunho said. You nodded your head before you made your way to your cabin.

You closed the door behind you before you took off your shirt and set it on your hammock to readjust the bindings around your chest. You let out a sigh of relief once you unraveled the fabric. You waited a few minutes until you put the fabric back on. Once you did you looked out your window at the moon that was illuminated over the ocean, and once you thought everything was calm and fine things took a turn.

Your door slammed open as you heard someone scream your name. You turned around with widened eyes and to your horror you saw the lookout, Wooyoung, standing there with his mouth agape. "Y-You're a woman?!" He about yelled for the whole ship to hear if they were listening.

You heard San's door open as he walked out and saw the situation that was happening. He gasped before he pushed Wooyoung inside your cabin and closed and barricaded your door closed. Wooyoung looked at you with anger.

"What the hell San! He's a madam, why is she here!?" He yelled as he tried to push past him. "Woo, calm down and listen for a moment!" San yelled back. You just sat there, still in shock before you put your shirt back on. How could this happen again? You thought as millions of thoughts ran through your head until something brought you back to reality.

"Yeah! The person that saved your life and almost passed out because she healed you!" San said in the midst of anger. Wooyoung stiffened as he stopped moving and looked over his shoulder at you. He closed his eyes as he groaned.

He turned and looked at the doctor as he slowly nodded his head. "I guess..." He turned back around and walked over to you. "Why haven't you told anyone else yet?" He asked as he crossed his arms. You bit your lower lip before you thought up something to say.

"The only people that know are you, San, and Mingi. Mingi too also found out on accident because of someone," You looked over at San with a glare as he looked away as if he doesn't know what you're talking about. You rolled your eyes before you looked at Wooyoung. "...were careless with their words, and he so happened to be there at the wrong time." You finished.

Wooyoung softened his gaze only a little bit before he ran his fingers through his purple hair as his green eyes pierced through your soul. "And you don't want the captain to know? Why?" He asked a bit puzzled now.

Your body stiffened as the atmosphere decreased several celsius. "You see...I've grown attached to this place, and if not here, then where?" You questioned. "What do you mean by that lad-erm, las?" He fixed.

You looked over at San who was now staring at the both of you as you spoke to him. "I lost my home basically." You said a bit too calmly, too calmly for both of their disliking. "Ji Ah, I doubt that whoever is after you at that time destroyed your village." San spoke as he walked up to you.

You shook your head, as you laid down on your hammock. "I really want to believe that, but I can't bring myself to do so." You said. You let out a sigh as you felt a tear roll down the side of your face. "Just...we'll talk tomorrow maybe." You managed to let out even if you had a shaky tone.

You heard San mumble to Wooyoung for them to leave as you heard Wooyoung let out a huff before they both walked to your door. You heard the wooden plank move that was blocking the door so no one else could barge in during your little discussion. You heard the door creak open indicating they were leaving.

As you heard their footsteps walk out you heard the boatswain speak. "I won't tell captain, I promise." He said before he left, closing the door behind him. You sighed before turning towards the door.

The truth will be revealed, either betray them, or end it before it's too late.

Lost Soul ☯︎︎ (ATEEZ AU) Yunho x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now