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It's been a few days since you've been on the ship. They were still sailing as they were making their way to a village. A few of the crew members would take turns watching you as the captain was nice enough to let you walk around to stretch your limbs. You felt the burning sensation in your chest from the bondage but you know you couldn't ask anyone for you to go down to the hold to loosen it a bit, so you ended up holding in the pain. You know that on pirate ships you aren't allowed to show weakness or they would misjudge you.

You would turn down breakfast and lunch whenever Seonghwa tried to feed you. You would tell him to give it to the crew mate that watched you. He felt bad for you but understood why you did so. Every night you wouldn't get as much sleep as you now have weird dreams frequently and would stay up because of them.

"Yunho! Have you seen my battleaxe?" Mingi asked. You became well known with their names as you listened intently to their conversations, you even figured out where you're heading, 'Draycott'. "Your battleaxe? I haven't seen it, did you ask Jongho? I think he got it." The other tall boy asked.

"He said he's going to be sharpening everyone's weapons." He added. Mingi nodded his head before walking off to some area behind you. You sighed as you dropped your head. "Ready for your daily walk?" Someone asked. You lifted your head as you looked at who that voice belonged to. "O-Oh, I guess." He reached behind you and untied the ropes as they fell off of you.

They fell onto your lap as you stood up hesitantly. "Go on ahead lad." He said as his tall figure towered above you. You nodded your head as you began to walk around the railings of the ship. You heard some of the crewmates talking and you couldn't help but eavesdrop. "I wonder what ploy he's trying to pull." Are they talking about me?

"Same, I don't know why Cap'n hasn't shot him in his head already. If I was him I would have shot the castaway when I first saw or had the chance to." The other crewmate replied. "Maybe when we reach Draycott he's going to leave him or sell him off for some money." The one that seemed older said. "What if he ends up throwing him in the sea once he gets tired of him? I mean come on, he's so scrawny, he barely has any muscles." The older one added as you felt their gazes on you as you continued to walk.

"One of these days." The younger one said before cleaning the cannons. You frowned before you walked back to the main mast to Yunho and sat down. "I'm done." You said as you felt a bit dizzy. He looked down at you with confusion. "You still have a bit, go on and wal-" "I'm done." You said once again as you looked up at him in his silver-blue eyes. He was taken aback before he frowned. "Okay, lunch will be ready in a few." He said, trying to cheer you up as he began to tie you back against the mainmast. "You can have my serving." You blankly said. Once again, he frowned. "Are you alright?" Before you could reply, someone called for him.

"Hyung! Can you come help with giving everyone back their weapons!?" The young boy asked. "Yeah, I'm coming!" Yunho called. He glanced at you again before running to where the young battlemaster was located. You watched as he grabbed multiple weapons and walked around, handing them out to their respected owner.

You sighed as your head was spinning, making you feel nauseous. Your stomach began to churn in discomfort as you felt a tingly sensation in your fingers. Your vision began to blur as your eyes fell heavy, and before you knew it...your head fell back and you fell unconscious.

"Come back Hœn**! You have to come back! I miss you! We all do! Don't you want to see how I've grown? Don't you miss me too? Do you even remember me?" He said as he looked at the ocean. "You're not dead, I don't care how much they tell me, you're still alive, I can feel it."

You woke up with a sudden cold feeling on your face. You looked around and saw how it began to rain. You closed your eyes again as you let the cold sensation fall over you as it painted the main deck and everything it came in contact with.

You watched how the once beautiful white clouds changed into different shades of greys. You heard the crew scatter about as they ran to their cabin's, leaving you there, getting soaked. You're at the very least surprised. Of course, they left you there, you are a stowaway anyways. You began to cough and sniffle. I guess staying out in the cold air isn't good, and nor is getting rained on good.

You didn't care. You cradled yourself in a ball as you grew colder as you rested your head on your knees. "I just want to go home..." You finally sobbed. All the buried emotions you managed to hold onto just splurred out. Anger, sadness, disbelief, happiness. You couldn't contain it anymore.

The tall brown haired boy looked at you from a distance as he came out of the captain cabin. He frowned as he saw you sleeping in the cold rain. Even though he's a pirate and shouldn't be talking or caring of you because of orders from the captain, his heart says otherwise for you.

He walked into his cabin as he grabbed a blanket off of his bed and walked to you. He gently shook you as he too began to get soaked in the rain. "Hey, get up real quick. Wrap this around you, don't need you spewing all over the captain's deck, he'll get mad." He said with a light chuckle as he continued to shake you. After a few moments of no response he grew worried as he tilted your head back and was scared half to death when he saw your face.

You had blood oozing from one of your nostrils and it looks as if someone came and murdered you. He placed his backhand against your forehead and it was burning hot in the cold climate. He dropped the blanket as he hastily untied you from the rope and took you to the sickbay as he kicked the door open, scaring the boy that was working at his desk. "He's sick." He said with worry. The younger boy took you and placed you on the bed in his cabin before quickly acting on your sick body. The tall boy took one long last glance at you before he left.

"Feel bad for him, didn't even tell us that he's sick just so he wouldn't be a burden." He sighed as he made his way to his cabin.

Lost Soul ☯︎︎ (ATEEZ AU) Yunho x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now