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"Slow down San!" You said as he dragged you around the shops that were filled with different things. He stopped as he looked at you. "You're going too fast." You heard Seonghwa say with a huff as he finally caught up to you and San. "Sorry, sorry. I'm just so excited! We can finally have someone help us out with our jobs, hyung!" San exclaimed as he looked at the cook.

"I agree with you, but you need to calm down so he doesn't stumble over and fall face first on the pavement." Seonghwa said as he wrapped his arm around you as he chuckled. You laughed with him as San shrugged his shoulders with a smile. "I guess so.~" He groaned as he turned on his heels and looked at the different herbs that were at the stand.

You heard Seonghwa chuckle as you turned to look up at him. "What's funny hyung?" He let out one final breathy laugh as he looked at him. "I haven't seen San like this in a while." His smile turned to a sad one. "Why? What happened?" You asked as Seonghwa turned to you. "It's nothing I should tell." He said making you frown.

He ruffled your hair making you whine. "When he's ready to let you know his past, then he'll tell you himself." He simply said. You huffed as you pushed his hand away and fixed your hair. He laughed at your actions. "You should cut your hair sometime soon." He requested. You were quick to shake your head. "I love my long hair! I think it suits me perfectly." You defended your hair as you pushed some of it back behind your shoulder.

"I mean..if you add some braids in your hair like mine, then it'll fit better," He said as he looked at your hair. "Maybe when we go back to the ship I can help you do so, aye?" He said. You nod your head as you look at San as he bought some herbs, cloth, and many more things. "San, what did I say about going overboard when buying things?" Seonghwa groaned as he took some of the bags he had.

"Not to?" San asked even though he already knew the answer. Seonghwa rolled his eyes as he turned around and walked back to the ship. San chuckled before he handed you a bag. "What's in here?" You asked as you peeked in the bag but San quickly closed. "Wait until you get to your cabin." He smiled as he began to walk ahead, catching up to Seonghwa.

You watched from a distance as you saw San nudge into Seonghwa as he ran around him for a bit. You snorted to yourself until you fell dizzy again. You held your head as you closed your eyes tightly as you began to hear voices again.

Where are you!?

Why haven't you returned!?

Come back to me Hœn**, please! You need to!

You looked up with blurry eyes as you felt something run down from your nose. You used your free hand to wipe it off, and once you saw the crimson color on your hand, your eyes widened. You felt your heart drop. Why is this happening to me? You thought as you pulled out a cloth you had in your back pocket and swiftly but gently wiped the blood from your nose and the bit that ran down your face. You quickly put it away as you looked up and ran to catch up to the boys that were already a good distance away from you.

You were in your cabin as Seonghwa had braided some parts of your hair, making you look more like a pirate. You then remembered the bag San had bought, you went to your hammock and grabbed the bag before opening it and saw needles and thread with some colourful cloth. You smiled to yourself before you walked to the little desk in the corner of your room as you sat down and placed the things down.

You threaded a needle as you began to sew clothes for some of the crewmates, hoping that it'll make them put some trust in you. You began to work as you made about 3 pieces already. You heard a soft and rhythmic knock on your door making you jump slightly. "Come in!" You yelled so they could hear. You heard the door creak open as you heard light steps enter your room as the door closed behind him as he made his way to you as the floor creaked under him every time he took a step.

"You okay?" You heard him say calmly. You looked up and made eye contact with the silver blue eyed boy. You mumbled a 'yes' as he smiled at you before he looked at what you were doing. "San told me you fell ill a few days ago." He said as he sat on your hammock as his feet touched the ground because of his tall figure. He used his legs to rock himself back and forth as he watched you continue sewing.

"Who's that for?" He asked as he knitted his brows together as he watched your hands move carefully but swiftly as the needle went in and back out as the black thread followed it. You shrugged your shoulders as you set the unfinished piece down as you threw your head back with a loud groan as you closed your eyes. "I just want your crewmates to trust me." You slowly opened your eyes as you saw him smiling brightly at you as he stood up.

"They are also your crewmates too lad." He chuckled. You huffed out a heavy breath before you eyed the tall brown haired boy as he walked to you. "I think they would gradually warm up to you, don't you think?" He said as he gave you a sappy smile. You let out a breathy laugh as you stood up.

"Yunho-hyung?" You asked as your eyes met. "What's wrong?" He questioned as his face turned into worry. "Do you need something?" You nodded your head. "Do you think I can go back to town and get other tools to help me make clothing?" You asked as your eyes dilated as you were waiting for his answer, hoping he'll say yes. "You need to ask the captain if you can." He easily said with a shrug as you stiffened your posture. "D-Do I really need to?" You stuttered. Thought of the captain's soul-taking stare frightens you.

He nodded his head with a blank face. "It's so he knows where everyone is at, and he doesn't leave anyone behind." You sighed. "I guess so," You said as you dragged yourself to your door. You heard Yunho chuckle behind you before he walked to you. "You gotta man up," He said as he opened the door in front of you as he walked past you as he exited the sickbay. You lowered your head as you let out yet another sigh.

You were in front of the door to the captain's cabin as it was midday. You lifted up your hand so you could knock on the door. You bit your lower lip anxiously as you were about to knock but stopped right before as you placed your head on the door. Why are you so scared? Just ask him and if he says no, then oh well you shouldn't be surprised, and if he says yes then lucky you. You thought before you took a deep breath and knocked. You heard a voice yell out, "Come in!"

Lost Soul ☯︎︎ (ATEEZ AU) Yunho x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now