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"Wait! Not yet! I can't go yet!" You screamed at the lady who's back was still turned to you. "I need to know who you are!" You sobbed. "Whenever I'm here, I begin to cry, why!? Can't you just tell me why?" Your voice cracked. The lady dropped her head. Before beginning to turn towards you. And everything went black in an instant..

You shot up from the bed as you began to gasp for air as if you weren't breathing for a while. You closed your eyes as you felt cold sweat running down your forehead. "Woah, woah, woah, you alright there?" You heard a voice say from your side. You turned to the direction it was coming from as you say a black haired boy with two cornrows on the right side of his head that was some light shade of blue, he also has a mullet. "I'm Choi San, I'm the Doctor here." He said as he got up from the desk he was sitting at and walked to you and sat next to you on the bed.

You slowly nodded your head as you looked away. Something caught your eyes in the corner of the room and you realized that it was your bag. Your pupils dilated. Did he find my clothes? You thought. San took notice of your tense state and followed your gaze before letting out a chuckle, making you come out of your thoughts.

"I found them in the storage hold when I was looking for something. Curiosity took over me, and since you're a stowaway, I looked inside the bag and to my surprise, they were clothes, women's clothes." He said, emphasising the 'women' part. Your eyes widened in horror as he continued. "I was confused why you would have some, but my questions were answered when I took off your shirt and saw the bondage around your, you know." He looked away as you saw a shade of pink appear on his cheeks as he scratched the back of his head.

You gasped before you looked down and saw an oversized shirt was on you. You peeked under it and saw you still had the bondage over you. "You know, it's not healthy for anyone to have such a tight bondage around their chest for that long," He looked at you seriously. "I'm surprised that you didn't pass out earlier than last night." He finished. "Last night? You mean that I passed out last night in the rain, how did you know?" You asked as you looked at him confused.

The boy looked at you. "Another one of the crew saw you just sitting there and went to see if you're alright, and when they saw your weak state they brought you to me." He said as he stood up and walked back to his desk. "Can you tell me who so I can thank them?" You asked as he picked something up and walked back to you. "You're going to have to find that out on your own, but in the meantime, here." He held out his hand as it was balled up.

You looked at his hand then at him before holding out your hand. Something fell into your hand once he unclasped his. You looked at what was in your hand as saw your two necklaces. You gasped before you put them on once again. "I had to take them off of you when I treated you." He said knowing you were going to ask him how he got them from. "So, did you tell the captain that I'm a woman?" You said quietly, scared for his answer. You heard him chuckle.

"Of course not, why would I do that?" He said plainly. You furrowed your eyebrows. "Because I'm not supposed to be here." You answered as you felt sudden guilt rush over you. He sighed as he made his way back to you. He placed his hand on your shoulder as he rubbed small circles on it with his thumb trying to reassure you. "In all honesty, there's something about you that made me want to keep your true identity a secret, something about your aura I guess." He said with a smile as you saw he had dimples. He shrugged before removing his hand.

You watch as he sits down at his desk. "Also," He started as he looked at a book. "Why don't you eat breakfast or lunch?" He finished asking. He began to flip through the book as he waited for your response. "Because I didn't want to waste supplies on someone that might not stay on this ship the whole time." You said blankly. You see his body stiffen. "Why do you think that?" He asked as he looked over his shoulder.

"Like what I told your captain, some village is after me for some reason and I could put you all in danger, so I mind as well just go and die so I could put ease in this world once again." He turned around and looked at you with a serious face as his brows were knitted together. "Don't ever say that." He said harshly.

You shied away as he continued speaking. "I don't know your backstory, but I'm willing to listen to it. As if I'm going to have anything happen to a woman, I'm going to protect you from danger." He said. Your mouth formed a weak smile.

I'm going to protect you from all danger that comes your way..

You gasped as you clenched your head. You didn't notice how heavy you were breathing until you saw San rush to you and sit down next to you and rub your shoulders once again. "Hey, hey! Calm down. You alright?" You could hear the worry in his tone. You looked up at him with fear in your eyes. "I don't know.."

What's happening to me?

Lost Soul ☯︎︎ (ATEEZ AU) Yunho x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now