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"So you're telling me you lost your memories of your childhood, and if you try and think about it, you get dizzy and may pass out?" San questioned, trying to understand your story. "Basically, my mother found me by the seashore laying almost dead in the sand." You responded. "That's sad," San said as he grabbed your hand and began to rub small circles on the dorsal side of it.

You gave him a weak smile as you squeezed his hand. Hongjoong looked at said action with confusion, but continued. "Well, I was speaking to San and Mingi a tad bit and came up with a decision." He said as he changed the subject. You looked up at him as your expression changed from sadness to confusion almost instantly.

He lifted his eyebrow wondering about your expression before he sat on his desk and started swaying his feet back and forth lightly. "We do need a tailor on board, so, if you agree, you can be a part of Treasure." He said calmly. Your eyes widened as you looked at him, then San, and back at him. "You can't be serious!" You said still in your flustered state. "Listen kid, you still have to gain your trust from me and the other crewmates before you can actually get comfortable," He blankly said as he furrowed his eyebrow and looked you in the eyes without an expression, it frightened you a bit still. He seems so emotionless. You thought.

"So, is that a yes or no?" You looked at him as he broke the silence. You almost immediately nodded your head as you gave a shaky yes. San hugged you as you saw Hongjoong nod his head as his mouth quivered into a small smile before quickly disappearing as he stood up. "Alrighty then! Go ahead and take him to his cabin, San." He sat back down in his seat as he began to look at maps again.

San nodded as he grabbed your hand and pulled you along gently as you exited the captain's cabin. "San, you didn't tell him!?" You asked once you reached a good distance away from the room. "Of course not! Why would I!? I made a promise, didn't I?" He said as he looked at you. You shrugged your shoulders. "Plus, if the captain can't notice you're a female, then that's on him," He chuckled. "He does only have one eye." He finished, making you giggle a little.

"Still, if he does, he could sell or even kill me." You mumbled softly, already terrified of the possibilities of what could happen to you if any of the other crewmates found out. San threw his arm around your shoulder as he pulled you closer to him, making you ease down. You only sighed at his action. "Don't worry Ji Ah, if anything, the captain would just kick you off the ship, sadly." He frowned. "Women aren't allowed on ships since they are known to bring bad luck and other things." He finished as he rested his head on top of yours.

"Yeah, I know, that's why my friend tied the bondage around me and said to adjust it every three to four days so I don't, you know, pass out." You told him as you both finally stood in front of a door. "Yeah I know, and don't forget to do that." He rubbed your shoulder. "Anyways, here we are!~" He cooed as you looked at the door before you furrowed your eyebrows.

"Isn't this your cabin?" You asked as you looked over at him. "It's the sickbay in which I have a room I stay in with my hyung which is asleep right now, but I also have a spare room I told the captain you can have." He said as he opened the door and showed you the room he was speaking about. "It's not that big since we are in a small area, but it's big enough for one person and for someone as small as you." He said with a smile. You rolled your eyes. "Whatever you say, but thank you San-hyung." You said as he began to leave.

"We'll get through this together Ji Ah, just wait until the time is right to tell them all the truth." He said as he gave you a reassuring smile before he walked out, closing the door behind him. You sat down on your hammock that was in the corner of the room as it swayed back and forth as the ship moved with the sea. You looked out the window that was next to, you watched the waves crash against the ship as you listened to the sound. You laid down and threw the blankets over you as you slowly close your eyes. You didn't realize how tired you were until you placed your head down on the sack filled with rice grains and your eyes fell heavy and soon enough closed, making you drift off to sleep.

Child cries filled your ears as the scenery around you were filled with trees. They look so familiar, yet so queer. You looked around until you saw a little girl balled up crying. You began to walk to her until you heard a stick snap in the distance with quick steps. You and the girl looked in the direction until you saw a little boy with a smile on his face run in her direction but his facial expression changed once he saw her.

He walked up to her as he frowned. "Are you okay?" His voice was high, it sounded so strangely familiar. The girl looked at him. "They killed them..and I just...I don't know what I did, but they're dead.." The kid stands her up before taking her in a hug. "Who killed who?" He asked as he broke away from her and wiped her tears away. "The A**i** kingdom killed.." It went dark again. Why does it go dark all the time? Why can't I see them all the way?

"Ji Ah, wake up! We made it to Draycott." A voice said as he shook you lightly. You slowly opened your eyes as you looked at the person in which the voice belonged to. "Seonghwa-hyung?" You said with a tired voice. He smiled at you as he helped you sit up. "Here, before we go out, have some eggs and biscuits." He held out a plate that was covered with food.

You shook your head. "No thanks, I'll be fine-" Seonghwa had cut you off as he spoke. "No. You're eating and that's final, you probably got sick because I listened to you and only fed you dinner. You need some food so you actually make it through the day. I'm not taking any more damn chances," He picked up a biscuit and held it to your mouth. "Plus, you're a part of the crew now, so you don't need to worry about being a burden." He said.

The sides of your lips twitched into a smile as you tried not to show your appreciation to him. You opened your mouth as he began to feed you. You hummed as the flavour of the flour-based treat covered your tastebuds. "This is good!" You said as you looked at him with stars in your eyes. He chuckled at your behavior. "You should help me out since you know how to cook." He said as you took another bite from the pastry.

You quickly shook your head as you quickly chewed and swallowed your food. "Oh God no, I barely helped out that much. I would get people's orders and then somewhat help as much as I can if I could before giving the food out." You said, making him shake his head. "You can be the first to taste it when I need feedback." He shrugged as he began to feed you eggs.

You furrowed your eyebrows as you looked at him suspiciously. "What's the catch?" He simply laughed at your question. "You caught me." He said in defeat. "You have to assist me a bit, but not all the time since San wants you to help him with aiding people. We're kind of just sharing you as a little helper. We'll teach you and you can have your chance to show us what you learned." He said as he fed you another spoonful. You looked at him blankly.

"If I say yes, will you be happy?" You said. He nodded his head. "Then sure, I guess, as long as I can be a tailor too." You quickly said. "I don't see why not, we can go into town and get some supplies for you to do that." He said.

You nodded your head as his lips curled up into a small genuine smile. He stood up as he handed you the plate. "Finish eating and come outside, me and San will be waiting for ya." You nodded your head as you continued eating the food. He left you alone as you finished the food and stood up as you stretched. You lifted up the shirt San gave you a while back so you could be more comfortable. You loosened the bondaged as you sighed from the release of pressure. You then remembered San's words.

'We'll get through this together Ji Ah, just wait until the time is right to tell them all the truth.'

"He's right, when the time is right, I have to reveal my gender, even if it means to get tossed off the ship." You sighed as you looked out the window once more. You slowly gazed down at your feet before you forced a smile on your face as you put back on the bondage and the oversized shirt as you walked out of your cabin to Seonghwa and San.

"Life...yes, life. Let her be that indeed. She'll figure out her worth when the time comes," She said to the man standing next to her as they both looked at the baby that was sound asleep in her arms.

Lost Soul ☯︎︎ (ATEEZ AU) Yunho x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now