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"Ready, and-" "Wait!" You yelled as you ran to Mingi. Everyone fell silent as they looked at you with confusion and other mixed emotions. "You can't kill him! He's my friend!" You pleaded as you pointed at the Dragon Turtle as he stared at you and the tall blue haired boy.

Mingi's dark blue eyes stared into your dark brown ones. He furrowed his brows before crossing his arms. "What do you mean, Ji Ah?" He questioned. You bit the inside of your cheek. How can I explain this, I don't really know myself.

"It's complicated," You stated as you fidgeted with your fingers as you avoided his and everyone else's stares. Mingi let out a sigh. "Cease fire." He said. Whispers were heard as they questioned his orders but ended up obeying and just minding their business.

You let out a sigh of relief as you dropped your head. You glanced over at Gayllayrth as he snorted lowly and went back under the waters.

"Ji Ah." You snapped your head up as you looked around until you met eyes with Jongho. You froze in fear as you continued to stare at him with wide eyes. "Captain wants to speak with you." He coldly said before turning around and heading to Hongjoong's quarters.

Your lips formed a thin line as you knew this time would have come. But not like this, this is probably the worst way possible. You closed your eyes before you calmed your nerves before making your way to the captain's cabin.

You slowly opened the door and saw Hongjoong, Mingi, Yunho, Jongho, and Wooyoung in there. They fell silent once you walked in and already felt the tense atmosphere. You looked down at the floor as you walked in, closing the door behind you.

"In front of my desk, now." Hongjoong sternly said. You felt his petrifying gaze on you as you walked up to him. You bit your lip as you waited for him to speak. You fiddled with your fingers as you side eyed both Jongho and Yunho as they were both staring at you, hatred in their eyes.

"Explain." You looked up at Hongjoong as he broke the silence. "Explain why you're really here." He repeated with more detail. You looked into his single light blue eye, searching for true meaning, but you saw nothing. He had nothing in his eyes. Coldness, betrayal, hate.

You took one more breath to hold back the tears that were starting to form and fall down any moment before telling him the truth, even though there's nothing really different.

He sat back in his chair as he crossed his arms and stared at you. "You know you could have looked up at the damn sails and seen our name. The most feared pirates across the world, and you didn't even know!?" He raised his voice.

"Were you living in a tower and not able to go to the outside world!? I've put you in danger for being with us!" He continued to yell at you. Your heart shattered, you didn't want this to happen, you should have just left when you had the chance but being the idiot you are, you didn't. Goddamnit Ji Ah.

"And you two; Mingi, and Wooyoung. You both knew she was a female and didn't tell me? Including San!" He asked with sadness in the way he asked. They both looked at him then at you before looking at the ground. Hongjoong chuckled, pain heard by the way it came out forcefully.

He opened his mouth to say something else but the door of his cabin bursted open, exposing a pained San. "Captain! Changbin's not going to make it!" He yelled as tears began to trickle down his face. You all stared at him with shock. "You're joking!" Wooyoung yelled.

San shook his head. "I wouldn't lie about this, mate." Wooyoung sobbed before running out of the room to see Changbin. You looked down as guilt swept over you. You then heard something hit Hongjoong's desk. You shot up your head and looked at the scene in front of you.

He punched his desk with full strength. He stood up and walked out of his quarters to the sickbay as Mingi and Jongho followed.

You turned to your side and saw Yunho sitting there. He was looking at his hands as he fidgeted with them. He didn't speak at all, he just sat there and listened. You slowly made your way towards him and as you did he quickly looked up at you with the coldest gaze he's ever given anybody. "Don't come closer." He said, chills ran down your spine at how scary he sounds.

You feel like an idiot right now, lying to him even after learning his truth about how he feels about women. You wanted to slap yourself, yell at yourself, literally anything would be better than betraying them all.

"Was it funny to you?" He asked. You looked up at him with a questionable look. "What do you mean?" He dropped his head at your question. "You know what I mean."

He stood up as he glared at you. "Was it funny to lie to me? Even after knowing how I felt about females!?" He raised his voice, tears beginning to form in his eyes. "Was it funny to just betray me like that!? I trusted you goddamnit!" You stepped backwards as he made his way to you. Tears began to pour from your eyes.

"I wish I wasn't so trusting in people, especially people like you! I can't believe I didn't see you were a lady!" He chuckled as a tear finally trickled down his cheek.

"I wish that captain got rid of you when we first met you. Maybe none of this would have happened." You hit the wall as he stood in front of you, looking down at you with anger. "I wish I didn't save you that night!" He yelled, making your eyes widen. "I wish that all those times you passed out, you would actually die," He looked you in the eyes one last time. "I hate you." He said calmly before leaving the room.

You huffed out a breath before sliding down the wall to the ground. You began to chuckle as you ran your fingers through your hair.

I hate you.

He hates you. This is what you get, something you should have seen coming. They don't care about you, they don't want you on their ship anymore. You began to laugh louder.

I hate you.

You should have just stayed back at Ironforge and whoever was after you, you should have let them take you. Maybe it would have been better for everyone you ever met, lots of people would still be alive.

I hate you.

I hate me too. I'm so sorry. Your laughter slowly turned into sobs as you cradled yourself into a ball and cried. I'm so sorry. Tears streamed down your face at the thought of everything bad happening to them because of you. After you got on, disaster after disaster began to happen.

There's one way.

You looked at the cabin door. "I hope you all can forgive me, but this is the only way I can be able to make you all happy and make everything be in place."

I'm sorry...

Lost Soul ☯︎︎ (ATEEZ AU) Yunho x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now