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You gasped as you tried to get free from the lieutenant's tight grip. "Get off of me!" You screamed as you continued to struggle to get his arm off of you. He chuckled. "If I was you darling, I would stop struggling if you don't want me to cut that pretty throat of yours," He laughed as he dug the blade deeper into your skin, not yet puncturing it.

Wait, darling!? Your eyes widened. "I'm no darling! Don't ever call me that!" You yelled at him. He chuckled again. "Are you sure about that?" You scoffed as you began to scan the area. Where the hell are they!? You screamed in your head.

The crew, the captain, the lookout, everyone! Where are they!? "Bring them out!" The man yelled. You looked up at him puzzled as he was looking somewhere else. You heard the captain's cabin door being kicked open so you snapped your attention to the area.

You were startled by the view. Captain, San, Yeosang, and Wooyoung came out with a few other crew members, tied up. Mingi, Yunho and Seonghwa got brought out from the galley with a lot more crew mates, as Jongho and Changbin got pushed out from the storage out with chains on them.

Your heart sunk in your chest. You all got captured.

"It's a pleasure to meet you all!" The man said. He began to walk around whilst dragging you around with him. "You know what's funny? How I didn't know you were all the crew of ATEEZ, I felt so foolish letting you all dock here," He stopped in his place as he started to chuckle a bit.

He's a psycho. You thought. He then pushed you down to your knees with a thud. "I feel so foolish to have let the one and only Treasure dock here by the captain called the Pirate King, which escaped years back." Kyungsoo said with a more colder tone. He sounded so...disgusted, so disappointed. He then laughed.

"But what's more foolish is how you let a woman stay onboard." He said as he looked around and each and everyone's facial expression. You did too. San, Mingi, and Wooyoung were tense as they looked at you with fear written eyes. Hongjoong, Yunho, and Jongho were confused as they looked around the deck to see who that woman could be, while Yeosang and Seonghwa were looking at the lieutenant with confused faces.

"Ah, foolish me, you may be asking 'what do you mean?' Am I right?" He then crouched down next to you.


"Tell me, little one, do you have a clue who that woman may be?" He asked loudly. You looked around once more before dropping your head as you stared at the deck. "Answer me, you don't wanna leave me waiting," He said before he pulled your hair back, making you yelp.

"JI AH!!" You heard the boys yell. The man chuckled. "How dumb are you all to actually come with something so," He took a pause as he tried to figure the best word to use. "Valuable?" He finished.

The crew looked around at each other as they mumbled things to each other. "Silent!" The man yelled as everyone quickly went silent as they stared at him with mixed emotions. Mostly anger, irritation, and confusion.

The man stood as he looked everyone in the eyes. "You think it's fine!?" He yelled followed with a laugh. He grabbed you by the hair and lifted you up making you yelp from pain. You stumbled on your legs as you managed to finally stand up straight with the help of the head guard holding you.

"Maybe I'll have to show you?" He mockingly asked as he brought you against his chest. You felt his breath on your ear, making you shiver from head to toe.

Please...you can't...

His hand wrapped the back of the collar of your shirt. You tried to fight off him as you felt your heart beat quicker and quicker from adrenaline. You couldn't have your gender revealed from some guy that captured you and the rest of the crew. Not after you figured out Yunho's weakness, and his hate for women. You can't...

"Please..." You mumbled as tears began to well up in your eyes. He simply chuckled. "Please, it's either have them know your true identity and me taking you, or them ending up finding out later and throwing you off the ship," He took a pause. You could tell he had a smug smirk plastered on his face which filled you up with disgust. "Either way, you'll end up dead."

He finished before pushing you forcefully down as the sound of clothing tearing filled the air as you fell to the ground with a thud. You couldn't move, you didn't want to. Everything was silent. Gasps were heard, along with scoffs of disbelief.

"A woman! You had a woman on board and could have gotten her killed!" The guy yelled. "Only to add that to your sentences!" He added before dropping the fabric in his hand to the deck. He began to speak again but you couldn't hear anything, it was all drowned out by your heart beating.

"Ji Ah?"

Just like that, your gender was revealed by choice. You couldn't even get free, even if you didn't stop. You scoffed at your stupidity.


You chuckled to yourself as you felt a warm feeling trickle down your cheeks. You were crying. For what reason? You were going to have to tell them all one day. But why now, why does it have to be now!?

"JI AH!"

You gasped as you looked around. "Ji Ah, is everything alright? What's going on?" He asked in your mind. "What do you think?" You asked with a hint of aggravation. Of course it's not his fault and he doesn't deserve your attitude, but you couldn't help it. You're mad, disappointed, disgusted, everything, not at the guard, but you. It's all my fault.

"Do you want to escape?" He asked. You raised an eyebrow as you looked up at the sword. "What do you mean?" You heard him chuckle. "Tell me what to do, and I'll do so." He spoke calmly. You pondered on his sentence.

You looked around at your crew. They all looked betrayed by the sudden news. Your eyes then met with those familiar silver blue eyes. Yunho. They were filled with betrayal, anger, disgust, sadness, hatred. He stared at you for a few more seconds before darted his attention somewhere, somewhere else then you.

You looked back down as you let out a sigh. "The guards in the dark blue uniform," You started. "Kill them, and the ones tied up, get them free first. They need to fight." You finished. You felt a wave of something sweep over you as you quickly close your eyes. Say it..

As if it felt familiar to you, you felt the words roll off your tongue with ease. "Do it now my Sacred Chaperone." You said as if everything froze in time. You felt a sudden pain surge through you as you gasped. You held your eyes shut for a while until it went away.

As you slowly opened your eyes it began. Your sword hastily flew up in a blink in the eye as the light of the bow rising shimmed from the moonlight on it, making it a beautiful yet fearful sight. As quick as it went up it did as it went back down and cut the ropes of your crew mates. Everyone was frozen but the crew were quick to knock down some of the guards and take some of their weapons as the battle had only begun.

Lost Soul ☯︎︎ (ATEEZ AU) Yunho x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now