The Lost City

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Relationship: Engaged
Age: 10 years younger than Sandy
Plot gist: Sandra takes you to opening of The Lost City to show you off. And your gorgeous rock she gave you last month 💍. She catches you crying at the end. Fluff.


"Baby" you heard Sandy call from downstairs

"Come in we've gotta go" she called again liking in one of the mirrors fixing her earrings

You came down the steps as fast as you could almost tripping over your stilettos as you walked down the last few steps.

Thankfully Sandra was right at the bottom and she was able to grab you. Grounding your feet forcefully.

"Be careful please... let me see you" she looked you up and down

"Does it look ok?" You asked self-consciously smoothing the dress with your hands

"You look stunning" she kissed your lips.

"Now come on before we're late" the two of you walked hand in hand out to the car waiting for you.


"Are you nervous" you asked placing a hand on her thigh as the car pulled up to the venue

"Not really... I'm worried about you seeing" she looked at you then back out the window not holding eye contact

"Why?!" You chuckled slightly giving her thigh a reassuring squeeze.

She didn't answer she only shrugged and sent you a nervous smile.

When the car parked out front you could already see Channing and a few of her other cast mates waiting on the red carpet

She climbed out and went around to your side of the car ignoring everyone's chants for her attention

She opened your door and offered you her hand. Such a gentleman your fiancée.

She walked up with you on her arm proudly

She hugged Channing as did you.

"Care if I steal her of a little?" She winked

"Be my guest" you handed off Sandra

She kissed you goodbye and whispered into your ear as she pulled you in for a hug

"Play nice darling" she teased her hands lingering on your lower back

You kissed her one last time before you stood off the to sideline for the next 20 minutes. You watched her with admiration as she took pictures with Channing and by herself.

After a minute or two of her standing alone taking photos you saw her hand reach behind her, her eyes not leaving the camera, her hand opened and closed a few times. This was Sandra's familiar sign for wanting your hand, or calling you to her.

You walked back up to your lady before leaving your hand with hers

The two of you took photos with each other for a few moments before all the photographers were asking to see your engagement ring and asking about the upcoming wedding.

"Go on. Show em'" she tilted her head toward the eager photographers.

You stuck out you hand proudly. The rock sparkled in the soon setting sun.

Sandra was no longer focused on anything else but you.

In all the photos she was studying your face with nothing but love.

She leaned over to kiss your cheek a few times.


A/n slight spoiler alert if you haven't seen the movie

As the movie was coming to an end you had a tight hold of one of Sandra's hands holding it to your chest in comfort.

Sandra who had mainly been watching you instead of the movie brought you close enough to her so she could kiss your head as she noticed tears pooling in your eyes.

Just as Loretta placed her wedding band in the tomb you couldn't hold them back anymore. You had a few tears streaming down your cheek.

She tried to hold back her cooed and soft chuckles as she pulled you into her chest to soothe you.

"It's not funny" you complained sniffing slightly against her chest.

"I'm not laughing at you... you're just adorable" she kissed the top of your head.

The two of you sat like that off the remainder of the movie. Unknown to the two of you that some of the photographers were still lunging around.

The picture they took of the two of you during the last few scenes of the movie made headline for weeks to come.

The two of you were just so simply in love with each other.

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