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relationship: engaged
age: a few years younger than Sandra.
plot gist: She tries to teach you German in light of your trip to meet her parents next month
(to all my other bilingual girlies for this I am sorry. also we're just going to pretend her parents are alive. you're welcome sandy)

sandra had just gotten off the phone with her mother when you brought the idea up to her first.

obviously, with her mother's german background, there was some german spoken between the two

"Sandra I want to learn german" you stated simply

"you do?" she asked shocked

"yeah I think you should teach me, I don't want to be completely in the dark when you and your mm are speaking german"

"well honey, I hardly think you'll be able to learn german in a month let alone with me teaching you" she tilted her head at you slightly in awe

she found it very endearing that you wanted to learn her family's native langue

"just teach me the basics"

40 minutes later you knew basic greetings, responses, and sayings which made you feel a little better about the trip ahead but you were still anxious.

fo the rest of the week you urged Sandra to speak to you more in german and she was pretty impressed by how much you picked up.

one day Sandra came home from work to see you studying flashcards that you had made.

"y/n what are you doing?" she asked coming into the living room where you sat on the couch with at least 50 german flashcards

"oh great your home, come help me with this" she sighed but agreed to find you slightly amusing

she sat in front of you holding the flashcard up for you. she had to correct your pronunciation quite a bit which began frustrating to you

"relax you'll get it, you're mouths just not used to moving this way just yet" she offered you some comfort by putting a hand on your thigh

"can we just move on" she could since your frustration growing

while she thinks you need to take a break for a day or two she didn't say anything and picked the flashcards back up again

you were stuck on the next one

it was a simple phrase you had already used a few times, you knew it perfectly

"come on y/n you know this one" she encouraged when you seemed to be blanking. it should be taking you more than a few seconds to answer

"I know I know... i just can't think"

'"you need a break, why don't we go get dinner" she suggested softly not wanting to further piss you off

"ok fine... maybe a little break won't hurt"


"are you seriously on Duolingo?" Sandra asked as she crawled into bed next to you.

she was shocked to see the absence of a book in your lap instead laid an iPad.

"I thought I'd get a little bit of studying in" you looked up at her innocently

"didn't I tell you to take a break?" she said a slight hint of asperity in her voice

you gave her the same innocent look as before along with a slight shrug of your shoulders making her crack a small smile once again.

"This is why we're getting married" she smiled down at you before you turned your attention back to the annoying green bird on the screen

you felt her kiss your head

"Ich liebe dich" she stated laying down and resting her head on your arm

"Ich liebe dich auch" you stated confidently making her giggle and plant a kiss on your cheek.

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