My Lady

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Relationship: dating of only a few months
Age: a few years younger than Sandra

Plot Gist: The two of you are working on a movie together and go through interviews together. Fluff.


"What is Sandra bullock doing?" she read before looking at you

"me" you coughed pretending to clear your throat

she jabbed her elbow into your side making you giggle

"you're so naughty" she chuckled slightly under her breath

"oh yeah? and what are you gonna do about it.. punish me?" you teased smirking at her

"ok honey" she nervously chuckled patting your hand that was resting on top of hers

"I don't this is appropriate for TV" Sandra chuckled

"who is y/n y/l/n dating? well Sandra bullock" you took your turn

"no we're not dating," she said sarcastically

"we're not?" you played along turning to her

she shook her head adding a small "Nope" popping the "p"

"oh well in that case I'm single.. um if anyone is interested- "

"give them your phone number" Sandra ordered still keeping the joke going

"you can reach me at (612)-" before you could go on Sandra quickly clamped a hand over your mouth

the rest of the interview mainly went the same, just the two of you flirting and being madly in love with each other the whole time

"you were naughty in there," she said casually as the two of you walked hand and hand out of the studio

"you never let me have any fun" you pouted

"come over here ill show you fun" she pulled you closer to her

"oh yeah" you teased as she pulled you even closer if that was even possible so that your faces were inches apart.

"mhmm" she hummed as she kissed you patiently right in the middle of the street

she didn't care about the paparazzi, or what she would read in TMZ later. all she cared about was you.

and though the two of you had only been together for a few months she felt so different with you, like she could really be herself.

sandra had never been so public about a relationship before, she insisted on doing all the promotion for this movie with you.

she didn't want to be away from you for a second

and you felt the same way.


this is literally so short but I have such bad writer's block and I feel like I cant come up with anything right now.

if anyone has any requests or suggestions it would really help.

stay cool Kitty Cats.

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