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Relationship: dating for a year or so
Age: slightly younger than Sandra
Plot gist: Sandy is busy in meetings all day. As she works she finds little post-it cards you left her. Sweet and Dirty little messages.


8:00 AM

Her first meeting started in 10 minutes and she was determined to heat up a waffle for herself before her first meeting started.

when she opened the microwave and placed her plate with her frozen waffle in, a pink post-it in the back of the microwave caught her eye

she held it in her hand admiring the sweet gesture.

it read:

Have a wonderful day gorgeous

she smiled fondly to herself pasting the post-it to the inside of her computer she had open on the counter in front of her.

11:30 AM

Sandra was about to g into her second meeting of the day when there was a knock at the door.

"Y/N can you get that?" she called into the house

when you didn't respond or come down the steps she got up with a sigh and walked to the door.

no n was out there. there was no car except the ones owned by either of you

naturally she looked at the welcome mat below her

take-out from her favorite Indian restaurant with a green post-it on top

fuel your body, don't overwork yourself

she smiled but your little game was getting old, it was cute the first time now she was just plain confused.

where were you going with this?

4:00 PM

Sandra had a two-hour-long break before her next meeting and was writing a few emails.

she was feeling stressed and resorted to throwing her hair into a messy knot on the top of her head and putting her glasses on to help with the strain in her eyes she started feeling around an hour ago.

this was a look of hers she knew you loved so much

she made her way to the fridge pouring herself a glass of water when she noticed yet another post it in the door of the fridge

corporate mommy, I love when you wear your glasses

she threw off her glasses and tried to hold back her annoyed curses at you.

your notes were getting a little stalkerish at this point, and it was freaking her out, to say the least.

6:40 PM

Sandra just finished her last meeting when she got an e-mail from you

she sighed but opened it anyway finding your whole charade annoying yet amusing at the same time.

I can see your nipples threw your shirt

she looked down at her shirt before letting out a small gasp and crossing her arms over her chest

"HOW DO YOU KEEP DOING THIS, I HAVEN'T EVEN SEEN YOU ALL DAY" she shouted looking around for any sign of you

oh, but I've seen you a text pooped up on her screen

"Y/N Y/L/N GET DOWN HERE AND LET ME FUCK YOU ALREADY" she yelled into the huge and seemingly empty house.

you wasted no time making your presence known

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