Coming Home

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Relationship: dating of a few years
Age: a few years younger than Sandra
Plot Gist: When Sandy's had a long day you definitely make it better when she sees how excited you are to see her home

Sandra's been in at the studio since 4:00 AM yesterday morning.

she swears she's never felt more exhausted and overworked, but then again that's how she feels after every day of work.

to make her day even worse she was stuck in traffic for nearly 45 minutes in her way home, dropped the take out you made her pick up in front of the apartment building, and couldn't find the keys that allowed he to get into the building

when she finally got in she was ready to pour herself a glass of wine and lock herself in the bedroom hiding away for the rest of the week

she let out a loud sigh throwing her keys on the hutch as she entered the New York City apartment

she proceeded to throw fo her pea coat and scarf with noisy unhappy huffs

"Sandy?" you asked into the dark house

"Sorry honey, did I wake you" she followed your tired and pitiful voice into the foyer of the medium-sized apartment

it was true she had woken you but you were more relieved that someone or something didn't break into your apartment, from the sound she was making at the door it was hard to tell

you were also happy to see her, you tended to be pretty clingy to Sandra, in fact, clingy was an understatement

"hi" you smiled tiredly when she was close enough to you that you could make out her stressed face in the darkness

"Hi honey" she cooed

the sight of you in nothing but one of her shirts and a pair of panties, your hair messy from the sleep she woke you from, seemed to melt away all her worries and frustration she was growing in seconds before

she didn't say anything else just wrapped her arms around you

you knew by the type of hug you were receiving, tight yet fragile, Sandra had, had a long, hard day

she took in a deep breath of the sent of your conditioner nuzzling into your hair as she did so.

all you could do was reciprocate the hug wrapping your arms around her.

"I'm sorry you had a hard day" you whispered when she pulled away slightly

"I don't even want to think about work for the rest of the week" she sighed leading you back to the bed where she laid down stripping off her clothes and throwing in a pair of sweat pants and a small tank top.

"I love you" you stated truthfully getting in bed beside your girlfriend

she was already asleep

"poor baby, so tired" you cooed sharing her pillow with her so that your faces were only inches apart.

you traced her facial features only sending her into a deeper sleep

"sweet dreams my love" you missed the bridge of her nose before driving back off to sleep yourself.

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