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Relationship: engaged
Age: a few years younger than Sandy
Plot Gist: You dream that you and Sandra get into a fight. You wake up mad at her. You threaten to call off the engagement.

"good morning angel" she kissed your bare shoulder still exposed form your activities last night.

you whined and shifting away form her slightly

"what hm? what'd I do" she asked slightly amused

"you know what you did" you huffed turning your upper body around to shoot her a dirty look

"no I don't. that's why I'm asking... just tell me," she said rubbing your lower back and making you turn back around staring at the wall

she went to kiss you again but you stood up taking the bed sheet with you

"I'm taking a shower. by myself" you shut the door in her face when she went to follow you into the bathroom

she knew you were serious especially when you wouldn't even let her see you naked.

although your actions were childish she knew you were serious.

but, she couldn't have thought of anything she could [possibly have done to make you upset with her right now.

she had to be upset today. unfortunately, she didn't have time to sort you out right now. you were just going to have to get over yourself for the time being.

"y/n, baby I have to go" she walked into the bathroom walking over to the steamy glass box that was the shower

she opened the door and you popped your head out

"What?!" you asked annoyed

"I'm leaving"

"ok bye," you said coldly turning back into the water.

sh grabbed your arm forcing you to turn back to her

"that's not very nice. where's my goodbye kiss" you taunted and you rolled your eyes but planted a small peck on her lips


she texted you throughout the day asking simple questions bout what you =wnated for dinner and if she should pick up the dry cleaning on her way home

and you responded to her. pretty bluntly but it was a response nonetheless.

she did in fact pick up the dry cleaning on her way picking up your favorite Chinese take-out while she was out.

"darling, I'm home" she announced

you took a good look at her. she was standing with Chinese food in one hand and a bouquet of flowers in the other. whata suck up.

"I'm not falling for that"

"y/n please enlighten me. I genuinely don't understand what I did wring"

"that's exactly what you did in my dream. you made love to me only to go to set and shoot sexy scenes all day. then you brought me home flowers" you looked down. it sounded stupid now that you heard the words come out of your own mouth.

"wait you're mad at me because of a dream?!" she asked a small smirk making its way across her face.

"stop sandy it's not funny.. I'll take that ring right off your finger"

"I'm not laughing at you... you're just, so adorable" she chuckled wrapping her arms around you and kissing your head

"you're such a suck up... give me my flowers" you took them from her now just slightly annoyed with how amusing she thought your distress was

as you were trimming the stems and putting them into a vase you felt her arms wrap behind you from behind her chin resting on your shoulder.

"for what it's worth, I'm sorry" you felt her kiss your cheek a few times

you couldn't help but smile.

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