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Relationship: married
Age: the same as Sandy maybe slightly younger
Plot gist: The two of you get into a fight and you daughter stumbles downstairs
You over hear Sandra explaining to her that fighting is hits about her way of talking and any type of communication is good. The two of you make up afterwards


"Y/n sweetheart listen," Sandra pleaded only for you to continue interrupting her to go off on her

"No you tell me I don't understand over and over again. You can't keep taking jobs right now. You can't. We need you here with us. We don't need the money... Avery barley gets to see you during the week because you don't come home until after 9:00 and we haven't had sex in vid I don't know how long" you ranted raising your voice at her

"Y/n would you shut up for one second and let me speak" she yelled

You didn't like yelling. Sandra knew this and she always tried to keep her voice level with yo y when the two of you had heated arguments like this. But you were being particularly difficulty today and Sandra has had enough

Tears filled your eyes as she continued

"I want our daughter to have the best life she can and if that means her missing out in a few hours with me before bed time so be it. Why am I. Always the monster for having a job y/n. You could away pick up a shift now and again it wouldn't be the end of the world. I can't just stop working. Your dont lead a particularly cheap lifestyle" she yelled as the tears fell down your cheeks

The two of you heard another set of sobs besides your own.

The noise was coming from Why the two of you thought to be your done year old daughter crying at the top of the steps

"Avery baby is that you" Sandra called up the steps

Avery made herself known by walking down a few of the steps where the two of you could both see her

"You can come down baby... it's ok" Sandra held her arms out to her daughter.

But Avery's eyes were locked on you. She slowly shoot her head as sobs wracked her small frame.

"Come on... let's get you back to bed then" Sandra picked her up and began to walk up the steps

"Mama.. crying" Avery stuck her little hand out to you from over Sandra's shoulder

"Mamas ok Sweetheart... you go with mommy" you assured her and she nodded allowing for Sandra to take her back to bed.

You collected your washing your face and drinking a glass of cold water before you made your way to a very a room.

You peaches your head threw the crack in the door to see Sandra new liking beside her bed stroking Avery's hair

"I know it sounded like we were mad. But we were only talking ok."

"You were yelling" Avery reminded

"I was. So was mama. But we were talking. That's the important thing. We have to work through our problems by comicating with each other. Weather that's by whispering.. or talking normally.. or-"

"Yelling?" Avery asked seeming to understand where Sandra was coming from

"Yes exactly. I'm this case yelling. Smart girl" Sandra carrest her cheek.

"Get some sleep honey" Sandra kissed her head before leaving

"Is she ok?" You asked greeting her in the dimmed hallway

"Yeah. She's fine" Sandra sighted

"I'm sorry... I don't know why I got so upset"you started

"I should've yelled at you... look what I did" she cooed slightly stroking the tear stain on your cheek with the pad of her thumb

You smiled slightly leaving into her touch

"I was being unreasonable. I deserved it.... And I'll work again if you need me too" you admired as much as yo he aged to stay home with your daughter full time. What she said did make you feel quilty

"Let's not talk about this now. Legs go to bed" Sandra took your hand quidibg you to the bedroom the two of you shared.

"I'm love you" you murmured when yo ytnogh she had fallenasleep

"I know" she replied

And although the two of you slept path your backs facing each other that night. Your bodies not touching except the light brush against she legs as you turned in your sleep.

You knew that Avery would wake the two of you up tomorrow and you would act as if the argument last night never happened

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