Long Distance

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Relationship: only dating for a year (your first Valentine's Day as a couple)
Age: same as Sandy
Plot Gist: Sandy is all the way on the west coast for Valentine's Day. You get on a flight.

you spent the entirety of Valentine's on the east coast, alone.

sandra was shooting a movie in L.A for the next two months and you were not happy about it

you practically begged her not to take the job solely because she would be missing valentines with you, sh assured you that your thoughts weren't practical and continued to sign onto the movie.

you knew she was right, this movie was a good opportunity for her and you didn't want to take away from her just because you wanted her to take you out to a fancy restaurant and buy you chocolates on February 14th.

it wasn't like Sandra ignored you, because she didn't,

the two of you have already talked over the phone 3 times today and she promised to call you again in the evening.

you woke up to breakfast in bed from her maid with a handwritten note Sandra had pre-mad for the holiday that, in Sandra's opinion, meant too much to you.

she never really understood valentines day. she already made it known to you how much she beloved yo, why does she need a whole day dedicated to it

despite her own feelings, she knew how much it meant to and had multiple bouquets and pieces of fine jewels believed to the house over the day

you gave her, her present before she left already so you felt pretty useless.

you were sitting on the couch with a glass of wine. the wine was from an expensive bottle Sandra had delivered to you around an hour before

then it crossed your mind. the best idea you'd ever had, and frankly, you're not sure why you hadn't thought of ut before.

you packed a small bag and were off to the airport

it was perfect, it was only 5:00 in new york, and by the time you got to L.A it would be 8:00 still early enough for the two of you to get dinner.

so as you waited to board the plane you call in a dinner reservation at the Beverly Hills Hotel.

Sandra was definitely surprised when you arrived at her hotel 6 hours later

"y/n?" her jaw was practically on the floor but a huge smile was across her face

"living and breathing" you smiled just as widely as she was if not even bigger if that as even possible before you jumped into her arms leaving your bags on the floor of the hallway.

the two fo you made it to the Beverly Hills Hotel late, but not late enough to miss your reservation, and took the party back to her hotel to have some fun.

that was the greatest Valentine's Day Sandra has ever spent with anybody, her attitude about the pointless holiday was quickly starting to turn around.

sEh might even like it if she had to promise of spending Valentine's to come alongside you.

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