Empty Sheets

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relationship: 5-year anniversary

age: 2 or 3 years younger than Sandra

Plot gist: Sandy is away on the two of your anniversary. You're sad. She comes home to surprise you but you've cried yourself to sleep.


sadly you wake up to the feeling of cold sheets beside you. a feeling you were starting to get used to.

Sandra has already been gone for two weeks. both of you knew when she signed on to a new movie filming in Europe that she was going to miss the special day that would be today.

it wasn't a huge deal when you've been with someone as long as you and Sandra have been together.

but of course, your heart couldn't help but ache a little without your wife sharing the happy day with you.

you looked at your phone to see Sandra texted you at around 1:00 am

Sandra My Beloved

Happy anniversary baby girl. there's a surprise for you downstairs.

of course, Sandra would figure out how to surprise you despite being 6,000 miles away.

you made your way downstairs a small smile on your face at the curiosity of what could be waiting for you downstairs.

then you saw it.

on the table of the foyer, a huge basket of white oleanders (you're favorite) lay next to a small gift and a card.

you picked up a flower, smelled it, and went going to pick up the card.

it read:

my dear sweet Y/N,

although, we're miles apart, my love for you will never falter.

simple and sweet, just how you liked it. you loved how much of a sweetheart Sandy was to you.

now the gift.

you opened it anxiously, and for good reason.

it was a gorgeous gold chain necklace, with a gorgeous teardrop pearl in the middle.

you turned over the chain to look on the inside for the engraving in all the jewelry you receive from Sandra

sure enough, you're eyes found it eminently. six words and a character you knew all too well.


you wanted to cry. usually, by now she'd be putting the necklace on for you and giving you soft kisses down your neck and shoulders.


come home. I need you

that was on Sandra needed to hear before she booked a flight back home. it may just be her best surprise yet.


you went threw your day as normally as you could without Sandra there. of course, there were a few minor modifications due to your heartbreak

you didn't go to work. you didn't eat. you didn't leave the bed.

you cried yourself to sleep that night. something you haven't done since you were a teenager.

you had tried to call sandy at least 3 times during the day, all of which had no answer only further intensifying your sorrow.

when Sandra walked into the bedroom her heart broke at your tear-stained puffy cheeks. and although she could not see your eyes she was sure they were red and were stinging.

she sat down next to you and began gently kissing every little tear track that ran down your face.

she hated the fact that she did that to you but, she thought what was coming next would make up for it.

"y/nnn my love" she cooed in an attempt to wake you up as the pads of her thumbs across each of your cheeks

you opened your eyes and immediately pulled her into your arms.

she held you all night.

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