Sugar mommy

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Relationship: dating for 6 months - 1 year
age: significantly younger than Sandra (10-15 years)
plot gist: you know just how to make Sandra comply to your every wish.


"So sandy I was a thinking.." you started leaning over her desk

"That's never a good idea" she looked up at you

"I want to take a trip.. somewhere tropical" you gave her the look

The look you knew she couldn't resist.

She broke eye contact with you knowing if she looked into your eyes any longer the two of you would be on a flight soon.

"Come on... please. How about Greece?" You prompted moving around to sit on the side of her desk.

This action exposed your leg seeing as you were in nothing but a silk robe.

You rocked your hips on the desk slightly drawing her attention back to you.

She protectively put her hand on your exposed thigh where she gripped it tightly.

this was something that Sandra did often. she was extremely protective when it came to you having skin exposed.

it was hard for you to ever go out because Sandra would take one look at your outfit and decide that you were all hers for the night.

"You'd look so hot in Santorini" you grabbed her wrist moving it further up your robe.

As much as you hated using your sex to manipulate her but it never failed to get you what you want.

that night you showed Sandra just how bad you wanted to go to Greece.


"I told you you'd look hot in Santorini" you smiled at her from a boat in the gorgeous blue waters of Greece

"Seriously y/n you've gotta quit asking me for stuff" she turned to look at you taking off her sunglasses

"Why" you cocked your head at her crawling closer to her and taking a seat on her lap

she took in a sharp breath of air at the shock of you straddling her, grinding your hips into hers slightly.

you defiantly had a way of getting want you want

"Because you know can't say no to that face" she cooed squishing your cheeks with her index finger and thumb

you gave her an intrigued look that made her skin crawl

"Seriously I feel like your sugar mommy at this point" she groaned throwing her head back when each of your hands ran up to her side

you rested your hands on her ribcage running your nails up in down her skin that was exposed from her bikini.

you knew she count resist you.

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