From The Top

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Relationship: Friendly Friends 😉
Age: Early 20's (same as Sandy)

Relationship: Friendly Friends 😉Age: Early 20's (same as Sandy)

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Thank you so much @proudoffandoms for the request <3

"Hey sweetheart" you felt Sandra press a kiss to your cheek

You pulled your head away slightly reading the lines over and over again in your head

"You've been at that for a while why don't you take a break... let's go for a swim or a walk" she suggested sitting next to you on the couch

She knew those are activities you enjoy and she couldn't see you turning her down.

"I need to get these lines memorized" you sighed not looking up.

"Ok.. well holler if you need anything" she pressed a kiss to your head again for you to pull away Once again

"Hey. Don't be ugly" she scolded as if you were a toddler

"Give me a kiss" she held your chin in place

You rolled your eyes but pressed a tender kiss to her lips anyway


"y/n baby, let yourself rest. this is no way to go about memorizing your lines. you've done this for so long I doubt your brain I seven processing any of the words right now" she was right. your brain felt like mush

"I'm sorry.. i just-" you were interrupted by your own tears. i guess you didn't know how frustrated you actually were because you had no control over the tears running down your cheeks.

"don't cry love, just talk. tell me what's got you so stressed" she ran a hand up your back as she took a seat beside you again

"I just really want this role I feel like I need this role. my audition has to be perfect" you sobbed into her shoulder

"you can't force it, honey. I know you want it but if it doesn't feel natural maybe its not meant to be" she said truthfully trying not to upset you even more.

"when I this audition anyway?" she asked playing with your hair as you separated yourself from her shoulder

Her thumbs began wiping your running mascara off your cheeks when you spoke again

"The 4th" you sniffed. her eyes widened and her hands fell to her lap

"the 4th as in next month?!" you nodded trying to choke back a sob

"oh y/n" she cooed pulling you back into her arms "oh sweet y/n" she cooed again rubbing your back

"you shouldn't be cramming like this if you've got an entire month to learn the lines for only one scene," she said soft yet serious trying to get her point across to you.

"I just want to make sure it's perfect" you mumbled into her shoulder

"here, how about this. ill help you run through your lines every day if you promise me you won't stress so much about it" she let you go and stuck up her pinky

you hooked your pinky around hers chuckling sadly when she kissed your hand.

'alright" she grabbed your script from you "from the top" she beamed at you.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2022 ⏰

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