|17| D'artagnan

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"We have a bond"
"A bond?"

Leahs pov

Me and lucas find max first thing when we get to school. "I still dont get why they call him zombie boy. I mean, i get it. He got lost in the woods for a week or something, but why is he a zombie? Because everyone thought he was dead?" she asks.

"Yeah. i mean, we had a funeral and everything." Lucas says.

"After a week?" She questions.

"Well, see, some other kid drowned at the quarry. We thought it was Will because his body was super decomposed." Lucas explains.

"What? Okay, thats not funny." She stops and says.

"Its not a joke, alright? Its public knowledge." Lucas says.

"Ask anyone in town and they'll tell you the same thing. But dont ask Will, because hes really sensitive about it." I say.

"Ok" she nods as she walks away.

"God i hate that people dont know the truth." I whisper as lucas grabs my hand.

"They wouldnt believe us, even if we told" he whispers back as we walk into class.

During science, we're learning about brain damage, and dustin barges in. "Im so sorry mr. Clarke. Really im so sorry. Please continue with class." He says out of breath.

He sits in his seat and mr.clarke continues. "We have to meet. All of us, at lunch, av club" dustin whispers to us.

"Why?" Mike asks.

"I have something, that you wont believe." He replies. We all nod and pay attention.

He turns around to max and says "av club. Lunch."

Max jumps in her seat. "Dustin?" Mr.clarke asks.

"Yes, my lord" he replies.

"Would you care to join the class now?"

"Please, yes"

Time skip to lunch

We walk into the av room and dustin opens the box, with a slug looking thing inside. "His name is D'artagnan" dustin says as he reaches for it.

"Cute, right?" He asks.

"D'artagnan?" Mike asks.

"Dart for short" dustin replies.

"Where was he?" I ask.

"Foraging for food in my trash can" dustin annswers.

"Wanna hold him?" He asks max.

"No. No" max says while shaking her head.

"He dosent bite!" Dustin says while handing dart to her.

"Ew, its so slimy" max says while handing it to lucas.

"Ugh its like a living booger!" He says in disgust as he hands it to me.

"This is the grossest shit,.." i say while handing it to Will.

We make it around the circle before it gets back to dustin. "What is he?" Mike asks.

"My question exactly" dustin replies. He goes and grabs a bunch of books. "At first i thought, he was some sort of pollywog." Dustin says.

"Pollywog?" Max asks.

"Its another word for tadpole. A tadpole is the larval state of a toad" dustin explains.

"I know what a tadpole is" max says.

"All right, then you know that most tadpoles are aquatic right? Well, dart, he isnt. He dosent need water." Dustin says.

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