|52| Persuading Steve

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"Why are we talking about East Hawkins?"

"No. No, No!"


As Leah was squished in between Lucas and Steve on Mike Wheeler's couch , she (as well as the others) was staring at Max, who was still sitting at the desk writing things out.

"I know you guys are staring at me" Max says, keeping her focus on the paper in front of her.

You said you needed something?"

"Just hanging out"

"Just chilling" Were the excuses the three gave as Dustin stayed silent.

"How do you think your eyes boring into the back of my head is protecting me from Vecna, I don't know" Max says, walking over to the group, a pile of brown envelopes in her hand. The group continues trying to ignore her, because of her request earlier.

"You guys can look at me now" She says as Leah puts down the magazine she was looking at, the others doing the same as they let out small apologies.

Max begins to hand the people in the room letters. When Max gets to Leah, she hands her an envelope with 'Leah' written on it, and she starts handing her more, listing off the names of her other friends, keeping two in her hand.

"Don't open them now!" Max scolds as everyone starts to peek inside. "Those are for later"

"I'm sorry, what is this?" Dustin asks, holding his letter up.

"It's um..." Max trails off. "It's a fail-safe. For after. If things don't work out"

"Wait, whoa. Max, things are gonna work out" Lucas assures the girl.

"We're gonna break the curse" Leah adds.

"No!" Max snaps. "I don't need you to reassure me and tell me it's all gonna work out. People have been telling me that my whole life and it's almost never been true. It's never true. I mean, of course this asshole curses me. Should've seen that one coming"

Max walks over to the walkie talkie that's sitting on a table. "Will this still reach Pennhurst from East Hawkins?"

"Of course. Yeah" Dustin answers.

"Why are we talking about East Hawkins?" Steve asks.

Max gives him a suggestive look and Steve says, "No. No, No!"

Max grabs her bag and begins to walk upstairs, Dustin, Leah, Lucas, and Steve following her.

"Seriously, Max! I'm not joking!" Steve scolds as the party walks outside. "I'm not driving you anywhere"

"If you think I'm gonna spend what is likely the last day of my life in the armpit that is Mike Wheeler's basement, you're out of your mind. So you either take me where I need to go or tie me down, which is technically kidnapping of a minor. And if I live to see another day, so help me God, Steve, I will prosecute" Max says, trying to open the locked door.

"Open the door" Max glares at the boy.

"Uh, no" Steve rejects.

"I know a good lawyer" Max threatens. They share glances, before finally Steve scoffs and unlocks the door, allowing the teens to get inside.

"Henderson. That super walkie of yours better reach Pennhurst" Steve says while climbing in.


Shits ab to go down from here fellas

528 words

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