Chapter 1 - Sunlight

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Necro /ˈnekrō/
combining form - relating to a corpse or death.

Narcissist (/ˈnärsəsəst/)
noun- a person who has an excessive interest in or admiration of themselves.

A warm, soft light shined through the crack between the blinds. They reflected off the side of the orange bed sheets, onto the pillows, and directly into the eye of a tired and exasperated Pepper. It caused her to stir and wake, rubbing her eye and shoving her face back down into the pillow.
Great, it was a sunny day. Just yesterday rain had cascaded down the sides of the bright orange building, and drenched the outside world in water. Pepper loved the rain, it made her feel calm and relaxed. It wasn't that she loved the gloomy-ness of the weather, it was simply because some of her fondest memories had been forged under the cover of dark or the rain, and opposed to that some of her worst memories were stained with the string of raw sunlight. She detested the bright light beaming onto her face.
She silently scolded herself for not closing the blinds properly, but she'd remember to properly do it next time. Now, unable to comfortably go back to sleep, she found herself turning her body to face the person on the bed next to hers.
Divided by just one night stand by the beds, pepper stared at the porcelain white face, whos closed eyes and peaceful expression made her feel soft on the inside, and pull up the blanket to cover her face, almost as if she was embarrassed she would open her eyes and see her flushed expression.
Salt seemed to always have that effect on her for as long as she could remember. Though, she'd never dare admit it. She was good at hiding her real feelings, and thought she was good at keeping her stupid crush on her best friend under wraps for the time being.
Suddenly, the peaceful expression on Salt's face scrunched up as she yawned. Pepper hid under the covers again, alarmed at her sudden wake. Salt shook her head, making a sound as the contents within her glass moved with her. She turned to look at Pepper's bed, thinking she was still asleep. Nonetheless, she noticed the slight movement under the covers of her bed.

"I know you're awake!"

Salt shouted just loud enough for her embarrassed friend to hear. Pepper flinched as Salt jumped onto her bed and pulled her up out of the covers.

"What's the matter? You like, don't want to get up just yet?"

Pepper waited a good five seconds before she responded.

"Yeah..I'm just tired? I guess??"

She finally sat up and looked at her friend. Salt smiled at her.

"Well sorry, but you know, if I'm up, you're up too! And vice versa or whatever! We start the day together as it should be, pep."

Salt tugged her out of bed with a sigh.

"'re sooo right! I guess I wasn't thinking, haha."

Pepper laughed softly.
To be honest, some of the things Salt did greatly irritated her. Such as her 'rule' that they should both be up at exactly the same time. Though she also didn't mind doing most things with Salt, seeing as she was the one thing that made living in this hotel worthwhile.
As they both walked into the hallway, she could already hear the protest and piss poor attitude of the residents within each dormitory. A sneeze, a scream, and another sneeze. Typical trophy and tissues.
She didn't bother to listen in on anyone else's banter, for Salt was already chatting her pretty little head off as she dragged Pepper across the hall. All blah, blah, and more blahs. It really didn't matter what she said, because Pepper wasn't paying any attention due to her morning migraine. This was exactly why she hated waking up early.
Just as they approached the stairs, salt skipped down two steps, still being a chatterbox. Her chatter was cut short, however, when she almost slid off the edge of the third stair, just nearly sliding down the rest of the flight of stairs. Pepper caught her by the arms and yanked her back onto the top of the steps. She made a slight 'squeak' sound as she caught her breath. If she had taken that fall, she would have surely shattered into a million pieces, scattering her pieces all over the floor of the hotel.

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