Chapter 12.5 - Get Lost

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"O-OJ!! Slow down-!"

Paper struggled to keep up with the hotel manager, even as he dove into every doorway he saw. Paper feared he'd slam into a wall, or just topple over. It wasn't until he entered the last room he saw OJ run into, that he panicked.

He wasn't there.

Paper looked all over. Even in places he was sure OJ couldn't be in, like under the bed or behind the curtains.

Oh god what the FUCK is going on where IS HE!??

"OJ!! Where did you go!??"

A sudden knock at the door knocked him out of his momentary anxiety, to which he immediately went running for the stairs to open it.

Like a dumbass, he too tripped, but just floated carefully down the steps, y'know, because he'd a piece of paper.

He got back up, opening the door casually.

"H-hello? Can I help y–"

He paused.

Before him, two objects he'd never seen before greeted him.

They had flowers growing from different parts of their bodies, protruding from several places.


One spoke up. A green backpack.

"May we please step in? This- this is a hotel right?"

Paper nodded, but then shook his head.

"S-SORRY! We're at full capacity."

He lied.

Really, Paper just didn't want to worry about newcomers while trying to find OJ

"P-please! We- we have nowhere else to go-c'mon...Show a little sympathy?"

The green stranger reiterated.

"So...Can we come in? Please, it's just- it's been so long since we've actually talked to anyone else!"

Paper furrowed his brow for a moment, considering the stranger's offer.

He smiled warmly at him.


Paper slammed the door in Liam's face

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Paper slammed the door in Liam's face.

"Well, shit. Now what?"

Charlotte asked.

"Omg, like, hi! New faces!!!"

Salt greeted the strangers, popping out of her shallow grave.

Both Liam and Charlotte died from fright on the spot

The end

Happy April Fools Day!!1! (A real chapter will be released very soon. GO READ The Wilted One BY MY FRIEND cloverleaflets RNNNNN)


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