Just another day

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The last day of school you wake up to your mom calling you from downstairs
"y/n, get up! Rodrick's here to take you to school!"

CRAP! I yelled.

I basically flew out of bed and started rushing to get ready. Because I didn't have enough time to think I just decided to throw on a löaded diper shirt with some ripped jeans and my favorite combat boots. Once I got dressed I quickly rush to my bathroom to start bushing my teeth. In a way I kinda new that I would be late so I did my makeup before I went to bed. So I ran downstairs to greet Rodrick and say bye to my mom.

"We'll look who finally decided to come down! I thought we would never see y/n ever again!" Rodrick said laughing.

"Oh whatever let's just go" I said annoyed. "Bye mom!"

"Bye sweetie by Rodrick! Have a good day at school" my mom said.

Thanks! We both say to my mom.

When I get in Rodricks van I usually have to say a quick prayer that I survive driving in the van with Rodrick and I always end up surviving so my mom still allows me to drive with him.

About 10 minutes later

We finally make it to school alive so we're just siting in the parking lot waiting for someone to come out and tell us to get to class.

"Hey y/n" Rodrick asked kinda nervously.

"Yea" I responded.

"Is it okay if I invite Bill to our band rehearsal " Rodrick asked.

See Bill is like 30 years old so he is much older than all of us but whenever he's around and Rodrick goes to the bathroom or something Bill is always trying to hit on me and he's always flirting with me so I always get kind of nervous around Bill. Also my parents are coming for dinner today so there won't be any band rehearsal today

"Um yeah sure that's fine, just please don't leave me alone with Bill" I asked.

"Thanks princess, and don't worry I won't ever leave you alone with Bill" Rodrick said confidently.

I just smiled at him and kiss his cheek. So in return he puts his hand on my thigh and I turn red as a tomato so Rodrick just laughs at me.

And when someone came out to tell us to get to class me and Rodrick got out of the van and walked into school together holding hands as always. And just as were walking into the school Heather has to come up to me and Rodrick and try to get Rodrick to leave me and start dating her.

"Hey babe!" Heather says with a evil smile on her face.

"First of all I'm not your boyfriend, I have a girlfriend, and all you do is try to cause trouble between me and y/n so leave now" Rodrick says annoyed.

"Why baby" Heather says trying to hold Rodrick hand. "

Rodrick yanked his hand away from hers and started to walk away still holding my hand. Me and Rodrick have like 3 classes together not including lunch. So a normal school day is pretty boring but when me and Rodrick have the same class your pretty much just joking around but also still trying to focus.

~FF to lunchtime~

At lunch today went to where me, Ben, Chris and Rodrick always sit but this time I didn't see Rodrick at the table. So I asked Ben where he was and he just pointed to Heather and Rodrick in the corner of the cafeteria. My blood started to boil when I saw Heather talking to Rodrick. I decided to get a little closer to hear what their talking about.

"Heather I already told you I'm not interested!" "Go away!" " I don't want to talk to you!" Rodrick said with anger.

"Well let me kiss you I'll tell you how good it is"

And when I heard that I was like oh hell no so I decide to run up to Rodrick and jump on his back so I can get his attention. He was a little scared but once I got off Heather pushed me aside and kissed him and Rodrick wasn't even paying attention so he was completely caught off guard. As soon as Heather kissed Rodrick he immediately pushed Heather off of him and she fell right onto someone and his milk spilled all over her and we couldn't help but laugh. When Heather heard everyone laughing Heather ran away screaming her head off and me and Rodrick walk away laughing with his arm was around my shoulder and my arm was around his waist. So I whisper in his ear

"talk to her again and you will never hear the end of it from me" I told Rodrick

Rodrick just laughs nervously and we both got back to the table just to find Ben with his phone out and Chris eating his food fully invested in what's happening. I just rolled my eyes and sat down so we can start eating. So the rest of the day was pretty boring and the car ride back home was scary as always but once again we made it home safely.

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