After school

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Every day after school usually I go home to change out of my cloths and fix my hair for band rehearsal but this time, my parents are coming to the heffleys for dinner. So once I got done changing and fixing my hair I went back to Rodrick house. When I rang the doorbell Rodrick answered the door and we both immediately froze. We were wearing the exact same thing.

"You need to change" we both said at the same time.

After like 10 minutes of arguing you said

"I'm not changing! Your at your own house so you need to change into your own cloths instead of me changing in your house into your cloths!"

"Well you need to change because I don't want to" he said.

"Ugh fine" I said as I took my jacket off and shoved it in his chest walking to the attic where his room is.

"Okay because you've been in my room a million times, you probably already know where my closest is" Rodrick said with a smirk on his face.

"Well you will be right about that" I said kind of embarrassed.

"Well please don't go though my stuff and I'll be back in like 5 minutes. Also your parents are coming in 10 minutes"

"Okay I'll be done by then" I said. When Rodrick left the room you started to go through his shirts and I found a löaded diper shirt that I made for him a year ago. I thought that it was really sweet that he keep the shirt even though it didn't fit him anymore. So I put the shirt on and looked at myself in his mirror and even though he told me not to go through his stuff I decided to open a box on the floor of his closet and inside of that box I found a yearbook picture of him from 4 years ago. The picture came out really bad and he had to redo his picture but somehow he still had the original picture. So when I found it I said to myself "blackmail". As soon as I took the picture I heard footsteps leading to Rodrick's room so I quickly put the picture back in the box but forgot to put the top back on so when Rodrick came in he saw me staring at myself in his mirror. And he said

"you good?"

"Yea" I said as I was walking towards the door. "You coming" I asked.

"Yea I'll be there in a minute" Rodrick said as he was examining his room.

As soon as he heard the door close he immediately ran over to the closet only to find the box open and with the yearbook picture on the top of the stuff he had in the box.

"Dang it" and when he turned around he saw me standing at the door with the picture pulled up on my phone.

"Delete that right now or I will"

"or you'll what" I said running out of the room laughing.

Rodrick chased me all over the house and when I ran into the living room I saw my mom standing in the living room. And because I got distracted Rodrick managed to catch up to me so I tried to run away but he grabbed me by the waist, hoisted me on his shoulders and slammed me on the couch. Pinning me down with his forearm on my chest.

"No!!! Rodrick get off!" I said laughing.

"I'm not getting off until I see that you delete the picture" he said as he took my phone out of my pocket and shoved it in my face.

"What are you guys doing?" my mom asked confused.

"See even my moms concerned so please get off me! I'll delete the picture!"

"Ok y/n I'm going to get off so please don't run away okay?" He said.

"Okayyyyyy" I said with a tone.

So Rodrick slowly gets off of me and when he does you think to myself "okay I have two options ether run away or just delete the picture"

So when Rodrick got off of me your first instinct was to run. But when I tried to run Rodrick grabbed me again and put me back on the couch.

"Okay y/n now I'm really not going to let you go so delete it now" he said with a serious tone.

"Okay okay I'm sorry" I said with a sad look on my face.

So I deleted the picture and when you did I showed Rodrick and he finally got off of me.

TIME FOR DINNER! Susan yelled from the kitchen.

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