Rodricks birthday Pt.2

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Today is Rodrick birthday. I need to make it the best day ever! I needed to call Susan to go over our plan for Rodricks birthday.

Me: Hey Mrs. Susan I was wondering if I can come over to get started on Rodrick's gift is he home

Susan: Okay yea sure um Rodrick is about to go to the store for me so in like five minutes you can come and set up and I have Rodrick going to two stores for me so he can take longer

Me: Okay great thank you

Susan: Of course thank you for doing this for him

Me: Of course Mrs. Susan I do love Rodrick and it's his birthday so I want it to be the best day for him

Susan: That is so sweet I'll see you in five minutes

Me: Okay see you then!

~Five minutes later~

I had my mom help me carry the box across the street and when we got there Susan was in the garage waiting for us. When we got there my mom went back home.

"Hey Mrs. Susan I'll just be setting up the drums in here and I'll come in when I'm done!" I said to her opening the box

"Okay great! Let me know if you need any help!" Susan said walking inside

"Okay will do!" I told her starting to get everything out of the box

Luckily I already know how to assemble drums because Rodrick showed me how. Also he showed up how to pack them up as well. So this will be somewhat easy for me.

About 30 minutes later I finished setting Um the drums and packing up his old drums so I quickly ran inside to go tell Susan that I finished.

I ran inside and yelled "Mrs. Susan! I finished!"

"Oh great let's see!" She said coming from the kitchen

I led her into the garage and I turned that lights on so she can see them

*She gasped* "Rodrick is going to love these! Great job Y/n!"

"Thank you! He better because these are the ones he showed me" I said laughing

Susan gets a text from Rodrick saying he'll be home in 5 minutes

"Umm okay so I'll tell rodrick not to go in the garage and to come in through the front door. So when Rodrick puts the stuff down I'll text you to tell you"
Susan said freaking out

"Um okay great plan and when you text me I'll text Rodrick asking if he wants to hang out and when I hear that he's coming out the front door you, Frank and Greg if he wants. You three can blind fold him and I'll open the garage and we can all tell surprise!"
I said

"Yea sure when you were telling me the plan I texted Rodrick so he's coming through the front door now" Susan told me

"Okay great thank you!"

"Of course!"

We heard a car pull up in the driveway and about 5 minutes later Susan texted me saying "Ready!" so I quickly texted Rodrick.

Me: Hey Drummer boy HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!! Wanna hang out right now so you can have the best day ever!!!

Drummer boy ❤️: THANK YOU BABE!!! Yea sure give me a minute to go outside!

Me: Okay great see you then!

I quickly texted Susan to get everyone outside and after she did I heard her telling Rodrick to put his blind fold on and I heard everyone counting down from 5 then Susan yelled "Y/N OPEN THE GARAGE!"

When I opened the garage Susan and Frank took Rodrick's blind fold off and we all yelled "SURPRISE!"

~Rodricks POV~

In a way I'm kind sad that my moms making me go to the store in my birthday but it's whatever

On my way back from the store I got a text from my mom telling me not to go through the garage but to go through the front door. Luckily I only have two bags so I don't have to make another trip.

~About five minutes later~

I got a text from Y/n telling me happy birthday and if I wanted to hang out later

Baby girl 💛: Hey Drummer boy HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!! Wanna hang out right now so you can have the best day ever!!!

Me: THANK YOU BABE!!! LOVE YOU TOO!!! Yea sure give me a minute to go outside!

Baby girl 💛: Okay great see you then!

I quickly put my shoes on and ran outside only to see my mom dad and Greg standing there with a bandanna.

"Ok Rodrick put this on" my dad told me

"Why" I said

"You'll see" Greg told me

All together they counted down from 5 then my mom yelled "Y/N OPEN THE GARAGE!"

When I heard the garage open everyone yelled "SURPRISE!" When I took my blind fold off I saw a new pair of drums there and I thought "oh my gosh". I immediately ran over to Y/n to pick her up and tell her thank you.

~Your POV~

The minute Rodrick saw his new drums he ran over to me to pick me up and to hug me. When he garbed me he started to spin around and yell "THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!"

When he finally set me down he just hugged by tightly and said "thank you babe I love you so much"

"your welcome" I said rubbing his back.

"What are you waiting for go play them!" I said handing him some drumsticks

He started playing for 30 minutes and the whole day we spent together. I took him to a boardwalk and we road the ferris wheel together then there was a photo booth and we took some pictures and it was a really fun day.

~At the boardwalk~

I drove Rodrick to a boardwalk to surprise him with the Ferris wheel there.

"Ok so here is your last surprise" I told him as we're getting out of the car

"Oh thank you baby that's so sweet of you" Rodrick said

When we walked to the Ferris wheel Rodrick grabbed my hand and spun me around and I tired to do the same but I'm a lot shorter than Rodrick. (He's 5'8 I'm 5'4)

On our way to the Ferris wheel we saw a photo booth so I said "hey look we should totally take so pictures!"

"Oh yea sure!" Rodrick said as we walked over there

When we took the pictures the first one was of us smiling, the next one we were making funny faces and the next two were of us kissing.

"Awe these pictures are really cute I love them" I said and giving Rodrick a kiss on the cheek

"Yea they really are" Rodrick said wrapping him arm around my waist

~On the Ferris wheel~

On the Ferris wheel Rodrick said to me "thank you for doing all of this for me it means so much to me. You mean so much to me" when he said this it just made my heart melt.

"Of course you've been my best friend my whole entire life and I'm so happy I get to spend it all with you"

Rodrick gave me a kiss and said "I love you baby girl"

I kissed him back and said "I love you too drummer boy"

~~~The End~~~

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