Chapter 13 - The Accident Kiss

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Chapter 13

P/S : Do vote,comment and follow me and i will follow you back cupcakes! Thanks!


"But i really having it! Niall are you spying at me? ".. " Fine.. You may go my lady!" Harry said and in my deepest pleasure, i went to my bed and sleep...Argh...


So today, i just went lazy around with the boys. Me and Harry were fine now. I think he is not that bad actually and i dont even think he really mean it with the 'ghost prank' thing. I was actually watching a movie with the boys and i cuddle with Harry...i found him so comfort for now. He is so perfect! The eyes, the smile, the dimples ...everything!

WAIT! Why even am i thinking about him! He hate me...But what if it was me...? Am i falling for him? Maybe because he is so SEXY!

OH STOP JESS! Stop thinking about him..Without knowing it, i was staring at him all the time i was thinking...." See something you like?" Harry said startled me and also waking me up from my dream.." Oh cmon stop" i giggle and focus on the TV back when suddenly, Harry got a message from Mr IDontKnow...

"OOH GAWD GUYS! MY MOM IS GONNA BE HERE IN 20 MINUTES... Everyone grab some shirt and Jess, wear something nice because the main reason my mom coming here is to meet you!" Harry said in such a panic voice...Oh Tarts... I went upstair and wear a silk mustard blouse with other tight white shirt inside with a long black jeans...There! I look decent enough...and i just let my hair goes down...I don't know why but i am so nervous!

"knockknock!!" Anne was here and everyone was ready..And Harry was looking at me all the time! Is my shirt is too attracting? Or what? Harry went to the door and open it...There stood a middle age lady with a beautiful face...! I don't know her age so i just call her aunt Anne Hey...You must be Aunt Anne...Pleased to meet you!!" I said cheerfully while giving a warm hug..." please just call me anne!" You are so beautiful! No wonder Harry is talking about you on the phone every night with me!" She went inside the home leaving me idiotly there with super red cheeks...I walk by Harry and lean to him and whisper," Explain it because you just ashamed me much" .. We sat together with the boys and me and of course, gemma..Zayn,Niall,Louis,Liam and Harry sat in the sofa in front up of us..While i and anne sat on another sofa...

"I am so rude, do you wanna eat something? " i ask anne if she wanna eat something.." Oh no! I just eat...Just stopping by to see if you girl still in one piece"...I gotta say, i was blushing like crazy now i look away and saw the boys were smiling weirdly at me..." Oh let me get some drinks!" I stood up and yup...i was so unfortunate until trip on one of the coffee table legs ...i fall on top of Harry and guess in the world what? My position was right where my lips met his lips...we are looking like kissing right now..But suddenly, Harry REALLY WAS kissing me after a split second of the accident...SERIOUSLY BOY? You wanna show your behavior like this when your momma with you?..Wow Harry was so unpredictable...

Anne went coughing and said " Harry, you should have wait me to gone untill you suck this poor girl throat..Rushing for something?" I stood up and saw Anne smiling with harry..while the boys went whistling to us.. Owh god..i don't think anyone could go anymore ashamed than me.. I was running to the kitchen and hear the boys laughing at me...Funny guys, very funny..

I make 6 glass of lemonade and out it into tray..After all of this thing happening, i went shaky and suddenly, i felt strong arms hugging me from behind...i turn around and saw Harry smirking at me...i groaned and just went on carrying the tray but i was so shaky and Harry immediately offer a help.." Lemme help seems to freak out after my kiss...Like it? harry was winking at me but i still haven't let go of that tray.. " Harry this is girl job.." ..And we are already at the living room without knowing it...Harry pull, I pull, Harry pull...................

SPLASSSHH..the lemonade flew to my blouse..and did i mention that my blouse were so thin? And now you can see my stomach because it was wet.." HARRY EDWARD STYLES THIS IS THE SECOND TIME YOU DO THIS TO ME! " i yelled at his face and looked away and my eyes widened after seeing all the boys looking at me.. Louis whistles and giggled..

I passed through the boys and to my deepest shock..Louis slap my butt hard... I keep walking until i realized, anne was still here...i turn back and said to anne " anne it was so nice to meet you but could you please excuse me? thanks!" I went upstairs and have a bath...and i heard the front door close ... Anne was for the boys...Harry and Louis are so getting in trouble...

I walked downstairs at night and once again, i saw the boys performing a circle and Harry speak " Jess! Come join us! We are playing Truth Or Dare!" ..without any word, i sat between Niall and Zayn..yep, i was scared but i think this is the best way to give them payback to what they had done to me...Hahaha...

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